Firefox Marketplace APIs

Links to the main references covering Mozilla's Firefox Marketplace APIs, with which you can handle app submissions, configure a payment account for an app, and more.

Marketplace utility library
To help you work with the Firefox Marketplace, we provide a JavaScript library you can use in your apps to make it easier to handle in-app payments and verify payment receipts.
Submission API
The Submission API lets you validate your app, update your app, and fetch information about the apps available to be installed.
Payment API
The Payment API lets you do things like get information about in-app purchases and get information about pricing tiers for various countries.
Other Marketplace APIs
The full documentation for the Firefox Marketplace APIs.

Tools for app developers
Technology reference documentation
Getting help from the community

If you still aren't sure how to do what you're trying to get done, feel free to join the conversation!

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Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Marsf, mehmetaergun, alispivak, markg, chrisdavidmills
 Last updated by: Marsf,