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The pop() method removes the last element from an array and returns that element.




The pop method removes the last element from an array and returns that value to the caller.

pop is intentionally generic; this method can be called or applied to objects resembling arrays. Objects which do not contain a length property reflecting the last in a series of consecutive, zero-based numerical properties may not behave in any meaningful manner.

If you call pop() on an empty array, it returns undefined.


Removing the last element of an array

The following code creates the myFish array containing four elements, then removes its last element.

var myFish = ['angel', 'clown', 'mandarin', 'sturgeon'];

console.log(myFish); // ['angel', 'clown', 'mandarin', 'sturgeon']

var popped = myFish.pop();

console.log(myFish); // ['angel', 'clown', 'mandarin' ] 

console.log(popped); // 'sturgeon'


Specification Status Comment
ECMAScript 3rd Edition (ECMA-262) Standard Initial definition. Implemented in JavaScript 1.2.
ECMAScript 5.1 (ECMA-262)
The definition of 'Array.prototype.pop' in that specification.
ECMAScript 2015 (6th Edition, ECMA-262)
The definition of 'Array.prototype.pop' in that specification.
ECMAScript 2017 Draft (ECMA-262)
The definition of 'Array.prototype.pop' in that specification.

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 1.0 1.0 (1.7 or earlier) 5.5 (Yes) (Yes)
Feature Android Chrome for Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes)

See also

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 Зробили внесок у цю сторінку: fscholz, teemuremes, elindie, Mingun, clivepaterson768, nquinlan, ethertank, Sheppy, trevorh, Raynos, evilpie, Sevenspade, Mgjbot, Yuichirou, Ptak82, Maian, Dria
 Востаннє оновлена: fscholz,