CCActionTween Class Reference
Inherits from | CCActionInterval : CCFiniteTimeAction : CCAction : NSObject |
Declared in | CCActionTween.h |
CCActionTween is an action that lets you update any property of an object. For example, if you want to modify the “width” property of a target from 200 to 300 in 2 seconds, then:
id modifyWidth = [CCActionTween actionWithDuration:2 key:@"width" from:200 to:300];
[target runAction:modifyWidth];
Another example: CCScaleTo action could be rewriten using CCPropertyAction:
// scaleA and scaleB are equivalents
id scaleA = [CCScaleTo actionWithDuration:2 scale:3];
id scaleB = [CCActionTween actionWithDuration:2 key:@"scale" from:1 to:3];
+ actionWithDuration:key:from:to:
creates an initializes the action with the property name (key), and the from and to parameters.
– initWithDuration:key:from:to:
initializes the action with the property name (key), and the from and to parameters.