CCAnimationCache Class Reference
Inherits from | NSObject |
Declared in | CCAnimationCache.h |
Singleton that manages the CCAnimation objects. It saves in a cache the animations. You should use this class if you want to save your animations in a cache.
+ sharedAnimationCache
Returns the shared instance of the Animation cache
+ purgeSharedAnimationCache
Purges the cache. It releases all the CCAnimation objects and the shared instance.
– addAnimation:name:
Adds a CCAnimation with a name.
– removeAnimationByName:
Deletes a CCAnimation from the cache.
– animationByName:
Returns a CCAnimation that was previously added. If the name is not found it will return nil. You should retain the returned copy if you are going to use it.
– addAnimationsWithDictionary:
Adds an animation from an NSDictionary Make sure that the frames were previously loaded in the CCSpriteFrameCache.
– addAnimationsWithFile:
Adds an animation from a plist file. Make sure that the frames were previously loaded in the CCSpriteFrameCache.
Class Methods
Instance Methods
Adds a CCAnimation with a name.
- (void)addAnimation:(CCAnimation *)animation name:(NSString *)name
Declared In
Adds an animation from an NSDictionary Make sure that the frames were previously loaded in the CCSpriteFrameCache.
- (void)addAnimationsWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary
Declared In
Adds an animation from a plist file. Make sure that the frames were previously loaded in the CCSpriteFrameCache.
- (void)addAnimationsWithFile:(NSString *)plist
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