CCLabel Class Reference
Inherits from | CCSprite : CCNodeRGBA : CCNode : NSObject |
Conforms to | CCLabelProtocol |
Declared in | CCLabel.h |
CCLabel is a subclass of CCTextureNode that knows how to render text labels
All features from CCTextureNode are valid in CCLabel
CCLabel objects are slow. Consider using CCLabelAtlas or CCBitmapFontAtlas instead.
+ labelWithString:dimensions:alignment:fontName:fontSize:
creates a CCLabel from a fontname, alignment, dimension and font size
+ labelWithString:fontName:fontSize:
creates a CCLabel from a fontname and font size
– initWithString:dimensions:alignment:fontName:fontSize:
initializes the CCLabel with a font name, alignment, dimension and font size
– initWithString:fontName:fontSize:
initializes the CCLabel with a font name and font size
– setString:
changes the string to render
Class Methods
creates a CCLabel from a fontname, alignment, dimension and font size
+ (id)labelWithString:(NSString *)string dimensions:(CGSize)dimensions alignment:(UITextAlignment)alignment fontName:(NSString *)name fontSize:(CGFloat)size
Declared In
Instance Methods
initializes the CCLabel with a font name, alignment, dimension and font size
- (id)initWithString:(NSString *)string dimensions:(CGSize)dimensions alignment:(UITextAlignment)alignment fontName:(NSString *)name fontSize:(CGFloat)size
Declared In