CCMenuItemFont Class Reference
Inherits from | CCMenuItemLabel : CCMenuItem : CCNodeRGBA : CCNode : NSObject |
Declared in | CCMenuItem.h |
Other Methods
+ setFontSize:
set default font size
+ fontSize
get default font size
+ setFontName:
set default font name
+ fontName
get default font name
+ itemWithString:
creates a menu item from a string without target/selector. To be used with CCMenuItemToggle
+ itemWithString:target:selector:
creates a menu item from a string with a target/selector. The “target” won’t be retained.
+ itemWithString:block:
creates a menu item from a string with the specified block. The block will be “copied”.
– initWithString:target:selector:
initializes a menu item from a string with a target/selector The “target” won’t be retained.
– setFontSize:
set font size
– fontSize
get font size
– setFontName:
set the font name
– fontName
get the font name
– initWithString:block:
initializes a menu item from a string with the specified block. The block will be “copied”.
Other Methods
+ itemFromString:
creates a menu item from a string without target/selector. To be used with CCMenuItemToggle
+ itemFromString:target:selector:
creates a menu item from a string with a target/selector
– initFromString:target:selector:
initializes a menu item from a string with a target/selector
+ itemFromString:block:
creates a menu item from a string with the specified block
– initFromString:block:
initializes a menu item from a string with the specified block
Class Methods
creates a menu item from a string without target/selector. To be used with CCMenuItemToggle
+ (id)itemFromString:(NSString *)value
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creates a menu item from a string with the specified block
+ (id)itemFromString:(NSString *)value block:(void ( ^ ) ( id sender ))block
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creates a menu item from a string with a target/selector
+ (id)itemFromString:(NSString *)value target:(id)r selector:(SEL)s
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creates a menu item from a string without target/selector. To be used with CCMenuItemToggle
+ (id)itemWithString:(NSString *)value
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creates a menu item from a string with the specified block. The block will be “copied”.
+ (id)itemWithString:(NSString *)value block:(void ( ^ ) ( id sender ))block
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Instance Methods
initializes a menu item from a string with the specified block
- (id)initFromString:(NSString *)value block:(void ( ^ ) ( id sender ))block
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initializes a menu item from a string with a target/selector
- (id)initFromString:(NSString *)value target:(id)r selector:(SEL)s
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initializes a menu item from a string with the specified block. The block will be “copied”.
- (id)initWithString:(NSString *)value block:(void ( ^ ) ( id sender ))block
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