CCQuadParticleSystem Class Reference
Inherits from | CCParticleSystem : CCNode : NSObject |
Declared in | CCQuadParticleSystem.h |
CCQuadParticleSystem is a subclass of CCParticleSystem
It includes all the features of ParticleSystem.
Special features and Limitations:
– Particle size can be any float number.
– The system can be scaled
– The particles can be rotated
– On 1st and 2nd gen iPhones: It is only a bit slower that CCPointParticleSystem
– On 3rd gen iPhone and iPads: It is MUCH faster than CCPointParticleSystem
– It consumes more RAM and more GPU memory than CCPointParticleSystem
– It supports subrects
– initIndices
– initTexCoordsWithRect:
– setDisplayFrame:
Sets a new CCSpriteFrame as particle. WARNING: this method is experimental. Use setTexture:withRect instead.
– setTexture:withRect:
Sets a new texture with a rect. The rect is in pixels.