CCSendMessages Class Reference
Inherits from | CCActionInstant : CCFiniteTimeAction : CCAction : NSObject |
Declared in | CCSendMessages.h |
@class CCSendMessages CCActionInstant that sends messsages to a target when it is run.
It is different than the CCCallFunc classes in that any message can be sent to a target regardless of the number/type of arguments.
NOTE: Any selector in the NSObject class and any selector in the NSObject and NSCopying protocals cannot be added via -addMessage. If you need to call one of those selectors, create an NSInvocation and add it via -addInvocation:.
Create a CCSendMessages instance with a target using -initWithTarget: or
Add message call(s) to it:
(assuming sendMessages is your CCSendMessages object)
[[sendMessages addMessage] setOpacity:0.5];
[[sendMessages addMessage] long:0.5 selector:obj example:ccp(3,3)];
Run it on a CCNode with -runAction:, or add it to a
CCSequence to run it later on!
Also, arguments don't have to be Objective-C objects.
+ actionWithTarget:
Creates CCSendMessages action with given target. @see initWithTarget:
– initWithTarget:
Init CCSendMessages action with given target
– addMessage
Returns CCStoredMessages that is stored internally to capture Objective-C messages.
– addInvocation:
Adds NSInvocation to internal CCStoredMessages, use this method to send NSObject & NSCopying selectors to a target.
– execute
Sends all captured messages to a target.
Instance Methods
Adds NSInvocation to internal CCStoredMessages, use this method to send NSObject & NSCopying selectors to a target.
- (void)addInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation
Declared In
Returns CCStoredMessages that is stored internally to capture Objective-C messages.
- (id)addMessage
Declared In