KKAcceleration Class Reference
Inherits from | NSObject |
Declared in | KKAcceleration.h |
Contains the current accelerometer values. You can access the raw values as reported by the accelerometer, the smoothed values which have a low-pass filter applied to them (reacts slowly to sudden acceleration, averages the continous acceleration), or the instantaneous values which have a high-pass filter applied to them (reacts mostly to sudden acceleration, little to continuous acceleration). The filtering algorithm for smoothed and instantaneous values is only run once per frame, and only when you access one of the smoothed or instantaneous properties.
See the Event Handling Guide for iOS for more information about high and low pass filtering applied to the smoothed and instantaneous values: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/EventHandling/Conceptual/EventHandlingiPhoneOS/MotionEvents/MotionEvents.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009541-CH4-SW1
Acceleration along the axis' is in G’s (gravitational force). According to Apple: “A G is a unit of gravitation force equal to that exerted by the earth’s gravitational field (9.81 m s−2).”
The timeStamp when the accelerometer was last sampled.
property -
Raw acceleration in G’s along the x axis. Value is already transformed to current device orientation.
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Raw acceleration in G’s along the y axis. Value is already transformed to current device orientation.
property -
Raw acceleration in G’s along the z axis.
property -
Same as rawX.
property -
Same as rawY.
property -
Same as rawZ.
property -
Smoothed value using a low-pass filter influenced by the filteringFactor property. Smoothed values are averaged over several frames and responds barely to sudden changes of motion (eg shaking or dropping the device). Value is already transformed to current device orientation.
property -
Smoothed value using a low-pass filter influenced by the filteringFactor property. Smoothed values are averaged over several frames and responds barely to sudden changes of motion (eg shaking or dropping the device). Value is already transformed to current device orientation.
property -
Smoothed value using a low-pass filter influenced by the filteringFactor property. Smoothed values are averaged over several frames and responds barely to sudden changes of motion (eg shaking or dropping the device).
property -
Instantaneous acceleration value obtained from a high-pass filter. This value approximates the instant motion of the device with the constant effect of gravity filtered out, and reacts strongy to sudden changes of motion (eg shaking or dropping the device). Value is already transformed to current device orientation.
property -
Instantaneous acceleration value obtained from a high-pass filter. This value approximates the instant motion of the device with the constant effect of gravity filtered out, and reacts strongy to sudden changes of motion (eg shaking or dropping the device). Value is already transformed to current device orientation.
property -
Instantaneous acceleration value obtained from a high-pass filter. This value approximates the instant motion of the device with the constant effect of gravity filtered out, and reacts strongy to sudden changes of motion (eg shaking or dropping the device).
property -
The filtering factor used for high & low pass filtering. Determines how strongly raw values affect the filtered acceleration values. A filteringFactor of 0.1f means that only 10% of the raw values per update will be added to the running acceleration values. In other words the values are smoothed out over 10 updates (frames).
property -
– reset
Sets all acceleration values to 0, including internal states. Call this method after an interruption in your application, for example the pause menu or starting a new level.
– setAccelerationWithTimestamp:x:y:z:
The filtering factor used for high & low pass filtering. Determines how strongly raw values affect the filtered acceleration values. A filteringFactor of 0.1f means that only 10% of the raw values per update will be added to the running acceleration values. In other words the values are smoothed out over 10 updates (frames).
@property (nonatomic) double filteringFactor
Declared In
Instantaneous acceleration value obtained from a high-pass filter. This value approximates the instant motion of the device with the constant effect of gravity filtered out, and reacts strongy to sudden changes of motion (eg shaking or dropping the device). Value is already transformed to current device orientation.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) double instantaneousX
Declared In
Instantaneous acceleration value obtained from a high-pass filter. This value approximates the instant motion of the device with the constant effect of gravity filtered out, and reacts strongy to sudden changes of motion (eg shaking or dropping the device). Value is already transformed to current device orientation.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) double instantaneousY
Declared In
Instantaneous acceleration value obtained from a high-pass filter. This value approximates the instant motion of the device with the constant effect of gravity filtered out, and reacts strongy to sudden changes of motion (eg shaking or dropping the device).
@property (nonatomic, readonly) double instantaneousZ
Declared In
Raw acceleration in G’s along the x axis. Value is already transformed to current device orientation.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) double rawX
Declared In
Raw acceleration in G’s along the y axis. Value is already transformed to current device orientation.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) double rawY
Declared In
Raw acceleration in G’s along the z axis.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) double rawZ
Declared In
Smoothed value using a low-pass filter influenced by the filteringFactor property. Smoothed values are averaged over several frames and responds barely to sudden changes of motion (eg shaking or dropping the device). Value is already transformed to current device orientation.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) double smoothedX
Declared In
Smoothed value using a low-pass filter influenced by the filteringFactor property. Smoothed values are averaged over several frames and responds barely to sudden changes of motion (eg shaking or dropping the device). Value is already transformed to current device orientation.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) double smoothedY
Declared In
Smoothed value using a low-pass filter influenced by the filteringFactor property. Smoothed values are averaged over several frames and responds barely to sudden changes of motion (eg shaking or dropping the device).
@property (nonatomic, readonly) double smoothedZ
Declared In