CCLayerPanZoomClickDelegate Protocol Reference
Conforms to | NSObject |
Declared in | CCLayerPanZoom.h |
Frame mode (i.e. drag inside objects): hold finger at edge of the screen to the sroll in this direction
– layerPanZoom:clickedAtPoint:tapCount:
Sent to delegate each time, when click event was obtained. Only for mode = kCCLayerPanZoomModeSheet.
required method -
– layerPanZoom:touchPositionUpdated:
Sent to delegate each time, when touch position was updated.
required method -
– layerPanZoom:touchMoveBeganAtPosition:
Sent to delegate each time, when users drags finger on the screen. This means that click event is not possible with that touch from now.
required method
Instance Methods
Sent to delegate each time, when click event was obtained. Only for mode = kCCLayerPanZoomModeSheet.
- (void)layerPanZoom:(CCLayerPanZoom *)sender clickedAtPoint:(CGPoint)aPoint tapCount:(NSUInteger)tapCount
Declared In