
The config folder should contain your application config files. Files in this folder are automatically registered as configuration files. As example, if you create an config/bar.php, you can access it using config('bar').

The configuration files config/app.php and config/commands.php are used internally by the framework, and can not be removed.

The config/app.php contains information related to your application:

Property Description
name This value is the name of your application
version This value determines the "version" your application is currently running in.
production This value determines the "environment" your application is currently running in.
providers The service providers listed here will be automatically loaded on your application.

The default command of your application contains a list of commands. That list of commands can be configured using config/commands.php:

Property Description
default The default application command when no command name is provided.
paths The "paths" that should be loaded by the console's kernel.
add Here you may specify which commands classes you wish to include.
hidden Adds the provided commands, but make them hidden.
remove Removes the list of commands provided.