Getting Started¶
This is a getting started tutorial of MXNet. We will train a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) on the MNIST handwritten digit dataset to get the basic idea of how to use MXNet.
Links to Other Resources¶
Here are some other resources that can also be helpful
- See Installation Guide on how to install mxnet.
- See How to pages on various tips on using mxnet.
- See Tutorials on tutorials on specific tasks.
Train MLP on MNIST¶
On MNIST, each example consists of a 28 x 28 gray image of a handwritten digit such as and its label, which is an integer between 0 and 9. Denote by x and y the 784-length vector of the image pixels and the label, respectively.
MLP with no hidden layer predicts the label probabilities by
here W is a 784-by-10 weight matrix, b is a 10-length bias vector. The softmax normalizes a vector into a probability distribution, namely
We can stack the layers one by one to get a MLP with multiple hidden layers. Let x0 = x be the output of layer 0. Then layer i outputs a ni-length vector
where σi is the activation function such as tanh, and Wi is of size ni-by-ni-1. Next we apply softmax to the last layer to obtain the prediction.
The goal of training is to obtain both weights and bias for each layer to minimize the difference between the predicted label and the real label on the training data.
In the following section we will show how to implement the training program using different languages in MXNet.
We first import MXNet
import mxnet as mx
Then we declare the data iterators to the training and validation datasets
train =
image = "mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte",
label = "mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte",
batch_size = 128,
data_shape = (784, ))
val =
and declare a two-layer MLP
data = mx.symbol.Variable('data')
fc1 = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = data, num_hidden=128)
act1 = mx.symbol.Activation(data = fc1, act_type="relu")
fc2 = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = act1, num_hidden = 64)
act2 = mx.symbol.Activation(data = fc2, act_type="relu")
fc3 = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = act2, num_hidden=10)
mlp = mx.symbol.SoftmaxOutput(data = fc3, name = 'softmax')
Next we train a model on the data
model = mx.model.FeedForward(
symbol = mlp,
num_epoch = 20,
learning_rate = .1) = train, eval_data = val)
Finally we can predict by
test =
model.predict(X = test)
First we require
the mxnet
Then we declare the data iterators to the training and validation datasets
train <-
image = "train-images-idx3-ubyte",
label = "train-labels-idx1-ubyte",
input_shape = c(28, 28, 1),
batch_size = 100,
shuffle = TRUE,
flat = TRUE
val <-
image = "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte",
label = "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte",
input_shape = c(28, 28, 1),
batch_size = 100,
flat = TRUE)
and a two-layer MLP
data <- mx.symbol.Variable('data')
fc1 <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = data, name = 'fc1', num_hidden = 128)
act1 <- mx.symbol.Activation(data = fc1, name = 'relu1', act_type = "relu")
fc2 <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = act1, name = 'fc2', num_hidden = 64)
act2 <- mx.symbol.Activation(data = fc2, name = 'relu2', act_type = "relu")
fc3 <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = act2, name = 'fc3', num_hidden = 10)
mlp <- mx.symbol.SoftmaxOutput(data = fc3, name = 'softmax')
Next let’s train the model
model <- mx.model.FeedForward.create(
X = train, = val,
ctx = mx.cpu(),
symbol = mlp,
eval.metric = mx.metric.accuracy,
num.round = 5,
learning.rate = 0.1,
momentum = 0.9,
wd = 0.0001,
array.batch.size = 100,
epoch.end.callback ="mnist"),
batch.end.callback = mx.callback.log.train.metric(50)
Finally we can read a new dataset and predict
test <-
preds <- predict(model, test)
We first import MXNet
import ml.dmlc.mxnet._
Then we declare the data iterators to the training and validation datasets
val trainDataIter = IO.MNISTIter(Map(
"image" -> "data/train-images-idx3-ubyte",
"label" -> "data/train-labels-idx1-ubyte",
"data_shape" -> "(1, 28, 28)",
"label_name" -> "sm_label",
"batch_size" -> batchSize.toString,
"shuffle" -> "1",
"flat" -> "0",
"silent" -> "0",
"seed" -> "10"))
val valDataIter = IO.MNISTIter(Map(
"image" -> "data/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte",
"label" -> "data/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte",
"data_shape" -> "(1, 28, 28)",
"label_name" -> "sm_label",
"batch_size" -> batchSize.toString,
"shuffle" -> "1",
"flat" -> "0", "silent" -> "0"))
and declare a two-layer MLP
val data = Symbol.Variable("data")
val fc1 = Symbol.FullyConnected(name = "fc1")(Map("data" -> data, "num_hidden" -> 128))
val act1 = Symbol.Activation(name = "relu1")(Map("data" -> fc1, "act_type" -> "relu"))
val fc2 = Symbol.FullyConnected(name = "fc2")(Map("data" -> act1, "num_hidden" -> 64))
val act2 = Symbol.Activation(name = "relu2")(Map("data" -> fc2, "act_type" -> "relu"))
val fc3 = Symbol.FullyConnected(name = "fc3")(Map("data" -> act2, "num_hidden" -> 10))
val mlp = Symbol.SoftmaxOutput(name = "sm")(Map("data" -> fc3))
Next we train a model on the data
import ml.dmlc.mxnet.optimizer.SGD
// setup model and fit the training set
val model = FeedForward.newBuilder(mlp)
.setOptimizer(new SGD(learningRate = 0.1f, momentum = 0.9f, wd = 0.0001f))
Finally we can predict by
val probArrays = model.predict(valDataIter)
// in this case, we do not have multiple outputs
require(probArrays.length == 1)
val prob = probArrays(0)
// get predicted labels
val py = NDArray.argmaxChannel(prob)
// deal with predicted labels 'py'
We first import MXNet
using MXNet
Then load data
batch_size = 100
train_provider, eval_provider = get_mnist_providers(batch_size)
and define the MLP
mlp = @mx.chain mx.Variable(:data) =>
mx.FullyConnected(num_hidden=128) =>
mx.Activation(act_type=:relu) =>
mx.FullyConnected(num_hidden=64) =>
mx.Activation(act_type=:relu) =>
mx.FullyConnected(num_hidden=10) =>
The model can be trained by
model = mx.FeedForward(mlp, context=mx.cpu())
optimizer = mx.SGD(lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.00001), optimizer, train_provider, n_epoch=20, eval_data=eval_provider)
and finally predict by
probs = mx.predict(model, test_provider)
Tensor Computation¶
Next we briefly introduce the tensor computation interface, which is often more flexiable to use than the previous symbolic interface. It is often used to implement the layers, define weight updating rules, and debug.
The python inferface is similar to numpy.NDArray
>>> import mxnet as mx
>>> a = mx.nd.ones((2, 3),
... mx.gpu())
>>> print (a * 2).asnumpy()
[[ 2. 2. 2.]
[ 2. 2. 2.]]
> require(mxnet)
Loading required package: mxnet
> a <- mx.nd.ones(c(2,3))
> a
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 1 1
[2,] 1 1 1
> a + 1
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 2 2 2
[2,] 2 2 2
You can do tensor/matrix computation in pure Scala.
scala> import ml.dmlc.mxnet._
import ml.dmlc.mxnet._
scala> val arr = NDArray.ones(2, 3)
arr: ml.dmlc.mxnet.NDArray = ml.dmlc.mxnet.NDArray@f5e74790
scala> arr.shape
res0: ml.dmlc.mxnet.Shape = (2,3)
scala> (arr * 2).toArray
res2: Array[Float] = Array(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)
scala> (arr * 2).shape
res3: ml.dmlc.mxnet.Shape = (2,3)