NDArray API¶
NDArray package (mxnet.ndarray
) contains tensor operations similar to numpy.ndarray
. The syntax is similar except for some additional calls to deal with I/O and multi-devices.
Create NDArray¶
Like numpy
, you could create mxnet.ndarray
like followings:
>>> import mxnet as mx
>>> # all-zero array of dimension 100x50
>>> a = mx.nd.zeros((100, 50))
>>> # all-one array of dimension 256x32x128x1
>>> b = mx.nd.ones((256, 32, 128, 1))
>>> # initialize array with contents
>>> c = mx.nd.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
NDArray operations¶
We provide some basic ndarray operations like arithmetic and slice operations. More operations are coming in handy!
Arithmetic operations¶
>>> import mxnet as mx
>>> a = mx.nd.zeros((100, 50))
>>> a.shape
(100L, 50L)
>>> b = mx.nd.ones((100, 50))
>>> # c and d will be calculated in parallel here!
>>> c = a + b
>>> d = a - b
>>> # inplace operation, b's contents will be modified, but c and d won't be affected.
>>> b += d
Slice operations¶
>>> import mxnet as mx
>>> a = mx.nd.zeros((100, 50))
>>> a[0:10] = 1 # first 10 rows will become 1
Conversion from/to numpy.ndarray
MXNet NDArray supports pretty nature way to convert from/to mxnet.ndarray
to/from numpy.ndarray
>>> import mxnet as mx
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.array([1,2,3])
>>> b = mx.nd.array(a) # convert from numpy array
>>> b
<mxnet.ndarray.NDArray object at ...>
>>> b.asnumpy() # convert to numpy array
array([ 1., 2., 3.], dtype=float32)
Save Load NDArray¶
You can always use pickle to save and load NDArrays. We also provide functions to help save and load list or dictionary of NDArrays from file systems.
>>> import mxnet as mx
>>> a = mx.nd.zeros((100, 200))
>>> b = mx.nd.zeros((100, 200))
>>> # save list of NDArrays
>>> mx.nd.save("/path/to/array/file", [a, b])
>>> # save dictionary of NDArrays to AWS S3
>>> mx.nd.save("s3://path/to/s3/array", {'A' : a, 'B' : b})
>>> # save list of NDArrays to hdfs.
>>> mx.nd.save("hdfs://path/to/hdfs/array", [a, b])
>>> from_file = mx.nd.load("/path/to/array/file")
>>> from_s3 = mx.nd.load("s3://path/to/s3/array")
>>> from_hdfs = mx.nd.load("hdfs://path/to/hdfs/array")
The good thing about using the above save
and load
interface is that:
- You could use the format across all
language bindings. - Already support S3 and HDFS.
Multi-device Support¶
The device information is stored in mxnet.Context
structure. When creating ndarray in mxnet, user could either use the context argument (default is CPU context) to create arrays on specific device or use the with
statement as follows:
>>> import mxnet as mx
>>> cpu_a = mx.nd.zeros((100, 200))
>>> cpu_a.context
>>> with mx.Context(mx.gpu(0)):
>>> gpu_a = mx.nd.ones((100, 200))
>>> gpu_a.context
>>> ctx = mx.Context(mx.gpu(0))
>>> gpu_b = mx.nd.zeros((100, 200), ctx)
>>> gpu_b.context
Currently, we DO NOT allow operations among arrays from different contexts. To allow this, use copyto
member function to copy the content to different devices and continue computation:
>>> import mxnet as mx
>>> x = mx.nd.zeros((100, 200))
>>> with mx.Context(mx.gpu(0)):
>>> y = mx.nd.zeros((100, 200))
>>> z = x + y
mxnet.base.MXNetError: [13:29:12] src/ndarray/ndarray.cc:33: Check failed: lhs.ctx() == rhs.ctx() operands context mismatch
>>> cpu_y = mx.nd.zeros((100, 200))
>>> y.copyto(cpu_y)
>>> z = x + cpu_y
NDArray API Reference¶
NDArray API of mxnet.
()¶ Wait all async operation to finish in MXNet
This function is used for benchmark only
(handle, writable=True)¶ NDArray object in mxnet.
NDArray is basic ndarray/Tensor like data structure in mxnet.
(in_slice, value)¶ Set ndarray value
(in_slice)¶ Get ndarray
(new_shape)¶ Return a reshaped NDArray that shares memory with current one.
Parameters: new_shape (iterable of int) – new shape of NDArray
(shape)¶ Broadcasting the current NDArray into the given shape. The semantics is the same with numpy‘s broadcasting
Parameters: shape (the shape to broadcast) – the broadcast shape
()¶ Block until all pending writes operations on current NDArray are finished.
This function will return when all the pending writes to the current NDArray finishes. There can still be pending read going on when the function returns.
¶ Get shape of current NDArray.
Returns: Return type: a tuple representing shape of current ndarray
¶ Get size of current NDArray.
Returns: Return type: an int representing size of current ndarray
¶ Get context of current NDArray.
Returns: context – The context of current NDArray. Return type: mxnet.Context
¶ Get data type of current NDArray.
Returns: Return type: an numpy.dtype object representing type of current ndarray
¶ Get transpose of current NDArray
()¶ Return a copied numpy array of current array.
Returns: array – A copy of array content. Return type: numpy.ndarray
()¶ Return a CPU scalar(float) of current ndarray.
This ndarray must have shape (1,)
Returns: scalar – The scalar representation of the ndarray. Return type: np.float
(dtype)¶ Return a copied numpy array of current array with specified type.
Parameters: dtype (numpy.dtype or string) – Desired type of result array. Returns: array – A copy of array content. Return type: numpy.ndarray
(other)¶ Copy the content of current array to other.
When other is NDArray, the content is copied over. When other is a Context, a new NDArray in the context will be created as target
Parameters: other (NDArray or Context) – Target NDArray or context we want to copy data to. Returns: dst – The copy target NDArray Return type: NDArray
()¶ Make a copy of the current ndarray on the same context
Returns: cpy – The copy Return type: NDArray
(context)¶ Return an NDArray that lives in the target context. If the array is already in that context, self is returned. Otherwise, a copy is made.
Parameters: context (Context) – The target context we want the return value to live in. Returns: Return type: A copy or self as an NDArray that lives in the target context.
(indices, out)¶ One hot encoding indices into matrix out.
Parameters: Returns: out – Same as out.
Return type: Array
(shape, ctx=None, dtype=<Mock name='mock.float32' id='47926572494224'>)¶ Create an empty uninitialized new NDArray, with specified shape.
Parameters: - shape (tuple) – shape of the NDArray.
- ctx (Context, optional) – The context of the NDArray, default to current default context.
Returns: out – The created NDArray.
Return type: Array
(lhs, rhs)¶ Perform element-wise addition
Parameters: - lhs (Array or float value) – left hand side operand
- rhs (Array of float value) – right hand side operand
Returns: out – result array
Return type: Array
(lhs, rhs)¶ Perform element-wise subtract
Parameters: - lhs (Array or float value) – left hand side operand
- rhs (Array of float value) – right hand side operand
Returns: out – result array
Return type: Array
(lhs, rhs)¶ Perform element-wise multiplication
Parameters: - lhs (Array or float value) – left hand side operand
- rhs (Array of float value) – right hand side operand
Returns: out – result array
Return type: Array
(lhs, rhs)¶ Perform element-wise divide
Parameters: - lhs (Array or float value) – left hand side operand
- rhs (Array of float value) – right hand side operand
Returns: out – result array
Return type: Array
(lhs, rhs)¶ Same as numpy’s true_divide. It adjusts the output type to present the best answer, regardless of input types.
(arr)¶ Return the negation of array values
(shape, ctx=None, dtype=<Mock name='mock.float32' id='47926572494224'>)¶ Create a new NDArray filled with 0, with specified shape.
Parameters: - shape (tuple) – shape of the NDArray.
- ctx (Context, optional.) – The context of the NDArray, default to current default context.
Returns: out – The created NDArray.
Return type: Array
(shape, ctx=None, dtype=<Mock name='mock.float32' id='47926572494224'>)¶ Create a new NDArray filled with 1, with specified shape.
Parameters: - shape (tuple) – shape of the NDArray.
- ctx (Context, optional) – The context of the NDArray, default to current default context.
Returns: out – The created NDArray.
Return type: Array
(arr, axis=None, keepdims=False)¶ Sum the array along given axises. The semantic strictly follows numpy’s document.
Parameters: - arr (Array) – the array to be reduced
- axis (int or list(int), optional) – along which axis to do reduction
- keepdims (bool) – whether the reduced axis should be kept in the final shape
Returns: out – The reduced NDArray.
Return type: Array
(arr, axis=None, keepdims=False)¶ Take the maximum of the array along given axises. The semantic strictly follows numpy’s document.
Parameters: - arr (Array) – the array to be reduced
- axis (int or list(int), optional) – along which axis to do reduction
- keepdims (bool) – whether the reduced axis should be kept in the final shape
Returns: out – The reduced NDArray.
Return type: Array
(arr, axis=None, keepdims=False)¶ Take the minimum of the array along given axises. The semantic strictly follows numpy’s document.
Parameters: - arr (Array) – the array to be reduced
- axis (int or list(int), optional) – along which axis to do reduction
- keepdims (bool) – whether the reduced axis should be kept in the final shape
Returns: out – The reduced NDArray.
Return type: Array
(shape, val, ctx=None)¶ Create a new NDArray filled with given value, with specified shape.
Parameters: - shape (tuple) – shape of the NDArray.
- val (float) – value to be filled with.
- ctx (Context, optional) – The context of the NDArray, default to current default context.
Returns: out – The created NDArray.
Return type: Array
(source_array, ctx=None, dtype=<Mock name='mock.float32' id='47926572494224'>)¶ Create a new NDArray that copies content from source_array.
Parameters: - source_array (array_like) – Source data to create NDArray from.
- ctx (Context, optional) – The context of the NDArray, default to current default context.
Returns: out – The created NDArray.
Return type: Array
(arrays, always_copy=True)¶ Concatenate a list of NDArrays along the first dimension.
Parameters: - arrays (list of NDArray) – Arrays to be concatenate. They must have identical shape except the first dimension. They also must have the same data type.
- always_copy (bool) – Default True. When not True, if the arrays only contain one NDArray, that element will be returned directly, avoid copying.
Returns: Return type: An NDArray that lives on the same context as arrays[0].context.
(fname)¶ Load ndarray from binary file.
You can also use pickle to do the job if you only work on python. The advantage of load/save is the file is language agnostic. This means the file saved using save can be loaded by other language binding of mxnet. You also get the benefit being able to directly load/save from cloud storage(S3, HDFS)
Parameters: fname (str) – The name of the file.Can be S3 or HDFS address (remember built with S3 support). Example of fname:
- s3://my-bucket/path/my-s3-ndarray
- hdfs://my-bucket/path/my-hdfs-ndarray
- /path-to/my-local-ndarray
Returns: out – List of NDArray or dict of str->NDArray, depending on what was saved. Return type: list of NDArray or dict of str to NDArray
(fname, data)¶ Save list of NDArray or dict of str->NDArray to binary file.
You can also use pickle to do the job if you only work on python. The advantage of load/save is the file is language agnostic. This means the file saved using save can be loaded by other language binding of mxnet. You also get the benefit being able to directly load/save from cloud storage(S3, HDFS)
Parameters: - fname (str) –
The name of the file.Can be S3 or HDFS address (remember built with S3 support). Example of fname:
- s3://my-bucket/path/my-s3-ndarray
- hdfs://my-bucket/path/my-hdfs-ndarray
- /path-to/my-local-ndarray
- data (list of NDArray or dict of str to NDArray) – The data to be saved.
- fname (str) –
(str_img, clip_rect=(0, 0, 0, 0), out=None, index=0, channels=3, mean=None)¶ Decode an image from string. Requires OpenCV to work.
Parameters: - str_img (str) – binary image data
- clip_rect (iterable of 4 int) – clip decoded image to rectangle (x0, y0, x1, y1)
- out (NDArray) – output buffer. can be 3 dimensional (c, h, w) or 4 dimensional (n, c, h, w)
- index (int) – output decoded image to i-th slice of 4 dimensional buffer
- channels (int) – number of channels to output. Decode to grey scale when channels = 1.
- mean (NDArray) – substract mean from decode image before outputing.
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take absolute value of the src
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take argmax indices of each channel of the src.The result will be ndarray of shape (num_channel,) on the same device.
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Broadcast data in the given axis to the given size. The original size of the broadcasting axis must be 1.
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(lhs, rhs, out=None, **kwargs)¶ lhs divide rhs with broadcast
Parameters: Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(lhs, rhs, out=None, **kwargs)¶ lhs minus rhs with broadcast
Parameters: Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(lhs, rhs, out=None, **kwargs)¶ lhs multiple rhs with broadcast
Parameters: Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(lhs, rhs, out=None, **kwargs)¶ lhs add rhs with broadcast
Parameters: Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take ceil value of the src
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(lhs, rhs, out=None, **kwargs)¶ Choose one element from each line(row for python, column for R/Julia) in lhs according to index indicated by rhs. This function assume rhs uses 0-based index.
Parameters: Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Clip ndarray elements to range (a_min, a_max)
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input
- a_min (real_t) – Minimum value
- a_max (real_t) – Maximum value
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take cos of the src
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Crop the input matrix and return a new one
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(lhs, rhs, out=None, **kwargs)¶ Calculate dot product of two matrices or two vectors
Parameters: Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take exp of the src
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Fill one element of each line(row for python, column for R/Julia) in lhs according to index indicated by rhs and values indicated by mhs. This function assume rhs uses 0-based index.
Parameters: Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Flip the input matrix along axis and return a new one
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take floor value of the src
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take log of the src
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take max of the src in the given axis. axis=-1 means to reduce all the dimensions.The keepdims option has the same meaning as Numpy.
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ (Deprecated! Use max_axis instead.) Take max of the src.The result will be ndarray of shape (1,) on the same device.
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take min of the src in the given axis. axis=-1 means to reduce all the dimensions.The keepdims option has the same meaning as Numpy.
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ (Deprecated! Use min_axis instead.) Take min of the src.The result will be ndarray of shape (1,) on the same device.
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take L2 norm of the src.The result will be ndarray of shape (1,) on the same device.
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take round value of the src
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take rsqrt of the src
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take sign value of the src
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take sin of the src
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Calculate Smooth L1 Loss(lhs, scalar)
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(lhs, rhs, out=None, **kwargs)¶ Calculate cross_entropy(lhs, one_hot(rhs))
Parameters: Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take sqrt of the src
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take square of the src
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ Take sum of the src in the given axis. axis=-1 means to reduce all the dimensions.The keepdims option has the same meaning as Numpy.
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
(src, out=None, *args, **kwargs)¶ (Deprecated! Use sum_axis instead.) Take sum of the src.The result will be ndarray of shape (1,) on the same device.
Parameters: - src (NDArray) – Source input to the function
- out (NDArray, optional) – The output NDArray to hold the result.
Returns: out – The output of binary function.
Return type:
NDArray Random API Reference¶
Random Number interface of mxnet.
(low, high, shape=None, ctx=None, out=None)¶ Generate uniform distribution in [low, high) with shape.
Parameters: - low (float) – The lower bound of distribution.
- high (float) – The upper bound of distribution.
- shape (tuple, optional) – Output shape of the NDArray generated.
- ctx (Context, optional) – Context of output NDArray, will use default context if not specified.
- out (NDArray, optional) – Output place holder
Returns: out – The result NDArray with generated result.
Return type:
(mean, stdvar, shape=None, ctx=None, out=None)¶ Generate normal(Gaussian) distribution N(mean, stdvar^2) with shape.
Parameters: - mean (float) – The mean of the normal distribution.
- stdvar (float) – The standard deviation of normal distribution.
- shape (tuple, optional) – Output shape of the NDArray generated.
- ctx (Context, optional) – Context of output NDArray, will use default context if not specified.
- out (NDArray, optional) – Output place holder
Returns: out – The result NDArray with generated result.
Return type:
(seed_state)¶ Seed the random number generators in mxnet.
This seed will affect behavior of functions in this module, as well as results from executors that contains Random number such as Dropout operators.
Parameters: seed_state (int) – The random number seed to set to all devices. Notes
The random number generator of mxnet is by default device specific. This means if you set the same seed, the random number sequence generated from GPU0 can be different from CPU.
Context API Reference¶
Context management API of mxnet.
(device_type, device_id=0)¶ Constructing a context.
Parameters: - device_type ({'cpu', 'gpu'} or Context.) – String representing the device type
- device_id (int (default=0)) – The device id of the device, needed for GPU
Context can also be used a way to change default context.
>>> # array on cpu >>> cpu_array = mx.md.ones((2, 3)) >>> # switch default context to GPU(2) >>> with mx.Context(mx.gpu(2)): >>> gpu_array = mx.md.ones((2, 3)) >>> gpu_array.context gpu(2)
¶ Return device type of current context.
Returns: device_type Return type: str
(other)¶ Compare two contexts. Two contexts are equal if they have the same device type and device id.
(device_id=0)¶ Return a CPU context.
This function is a short cut for Context(‘cpu’, device_id)
Parameters: device_id (int, optional) – The device id of the device. device_id is not needed for CPU. This is included to make interface compatible with GPU. Returns: context – The corresponding CPU context. Return type: Context