Parameters: |
- x, y : scalar or array-like
The data positions.
- xerr, yerr : scalar or array-like, shape(N,) or shape(2,N), optional
The errorbar sizes:
- scalar: Symmetric +/- values for all data points.
- shape(N,): Symmetric +/-values for each data point.
- shape(2,N): Separate - and + values for each bar. First row
- contains the lower errors, the second row contains the
upper errors.
- None: No errorbar.
Note that all error arrays should have positive values.
See Different ways of specifying error bars
for an example on the usage of xerr and yerr .
- fmt : plot format string, optional, default: ''
The format for the data points / data lines. See plot for
Use 'none' (case insensitive) to plot errorbars without any data
- ecolor : mpl color, optional, default: None
A matplotlib color arg which gives the color the errorbar lines.
If None, use the color of the line connecting the markers.
- elinewidth : scalar, optional, default: None
The linewidth of the errorbar lines. If None, the linewidth of
the current style is used.
- capsize : scalar, optional, default: None
The length of the error bar caps in points. If None, it will take
the value from rcParams["errorbar.capsize"] .
- capthick : scalar, optional, default: None
An alias to the keyword argument markeredgewidth (a.k.a. mew).
This setting is a more sensible name for the property that
controls the thickness of the error bar cap in points. For
backwards compatibility, if mew or markeredgewidth are given,
then they will over-ride capthick. This may change in future
- barsabove : bool, optional, default: False
If True, will plot the errorbars above the plot
symbols. Default is below.
- lolims, uplims, xlolims, xuplims : bool, optional, default: None
These arguments can be used to indicate that a value gives only
upper/lower limits. In that case a caret symbol is used to
indicate this. lims-arguments may be of the same type as xerr
and yerr. To use limits with inverted axes, set_xlim()
or set_ylim() must be called before errorbar() .
- errorevery : positive integer, optional, default: 1
Subsamples the errorbars. e.g., if errorevery=5, errorbars for
every 5-th datapoint will be plotted. The data plot itself still
shows all data points.
Returns: |
- container :
The container contains:
- plotline:
Line2D instance of
x, y plot markers and/or line.
- caplines: A tuple of
Line2D instances
of the error bar caps.
- barlinecols: A tuple of
LineCollection with the
horizontal and vertical error ranges.
Other Parameters: |
- **kwargs :
All other keyword arguments are passed on to the plot
command for the markers. For example, this code makes big red
squares with thick green edges:
x,y,yerr = rand(3,10)
errorbar(x, y, yerr, marker='s', mfc='red',
mec='green', ms=20, mew=4)
where mfc, mec, ms and mew are aliases for the longer
property names, markerfacecolor, markeredgecolor, markersize
and markeredgewidth.
Valid kwargs for the marker properties are Lines2D properties:
Property |
Description |
agg_filter |
a filter function, which takes a (m, n, 3) float array and a dpi value, and returns a (m, n, 3) array |
alpha |
float |
animated |
bool |
antialiased |
bool |
clip_box |
Bbox |
clip_on |
bool |
clip_path |
[(Path , Transform ) | Patch | None] |
color |
color |
contains |
callable |
dash_capstyle |
{'butt', 'round', 'projecting'} |
dash_joinstyle |
{'miter', 'round', 'bevel'} |
dashes |
sequence of floats (on/off ink in points) or (None, None) |
drawstyle |
{'default', 'steps', 'steps-pre', 'steps-mid', 'steps-post'} |
figure |
Figure |
fillstyle |
{'full', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top', 'none'} |
gid |
str |
in_layout |
bool |
label |
object |
linestyle |
{'-', '--', '-.', ':', '', (offset, on-off-seq), ...} |
linewidth |
float |
marker |
unknown |
markeredgecolor |
color |
markeredgewidth |
float |
markerfacecolor |
color |
markerfacecoloralt |
color |
markersize |
float |
markevery |
unknown |
path_effects |
AbstractPathEffect |
picker |
float or callable[[Artist, Event], Tuple[bool, dict]] |
pickradius |
float |
rasterized |
bool or None |
sketch_params |
(scale: float, length: float, randomness: float) |
snap |
bool or None |
solid_capstyle |
{'butt', 'round', 'projecting'} |
solid_joinstyle |
{'miter', 'round', 'bevel'} |
transform |
matplotlib.transforms.Transform |
url |
str |
visible |
bool |
xdata |
1D array |
ydata |
1D array |
zorder |
float |