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class matplotlib.figure.AxesStack[source]

Bases: matplotlib.cbook.Stack

Specialization of the Stack to handle all tracking of Axes in a Figure. This stack stores key, (ind, axes) pairs, where:

  • key should be a hash of the args and kwargs used in generating the Axes.
  • ind is a serial number for tracking the order in which axes were added.

The AxesStack is a callable, where ax_stack() returns the current axes. Alternatively the current_key_axes() will return the current key and associated axes.

add(key, a)[source]

Add Axes a, with key key, to the stack, and return the stack.

If key is unhashable, replace it by a unique, arbitrary object.

If a is already on the stack, don't add it again, but return None.


Return a list of the Axes instances that have been added to the figure.


Move the given axes, which must already exist in the stack, to the top.


Return a tuple of (key, axes) for the active axes.

If no axes exists on the stack, then returns (None, None).


Return the Axes instance that was added with key. If it is not present, return None.


Remove the axes from the stack.