The System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates namespace contains the common language runtime implementation of the Authenticode X.509 v.3 certificate. This certificate is signed with a private key that uniquely and positively identifies the holder of the certificate.
Type | Reason |
OpenFlags |
Specifies the way to open the X.509 certificate store. |
PublicKey |
Represents a certificate's public key information. This class cannot be inherited. |
StoreLocation |
Specifies the location of the X.509 certificate store. |
StoreName |
Specifies the name of the X.509 certificate store to open. |
X500DistinguishedName |
Represents the distinguished name of an X509 certificate. This class cannot be inherited. |
X500DistinguishedNameFlags |
Specifies characteristics of the X.500 distinguished name. |
X509BasicConstraintsExtension |
Defines the constraints set on a certificate. This class cannot be inherited. |
X509Certificate |
Provides methods that help you use X.509 v.3 certificates. |
X509Certificate2 |
Represents an X.509 certificate. |
X509Certificate2Collection |
Represents a collection of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 objects. This class cannot be inherited. |
X509Certificate2Enumerator |
Supports a simple iteration over a System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection object. This class cannot be inherited. |
X509Certificate2UI |
Displays user interface dialogs that allow you to select and view X.509 certificates. This class cannot be inherited. |
X509CertificateCollection |
Defines a collection that stores System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate objects. |
X509CertificateCollection+X509CertificateEnumerator | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
X509Chain |
Represents a chain-building engine for System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 certificates. |
X509ChainElement |
Represents an element of an X.509 chain. |
X509ChainElementCollection |
Represents a collection of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElement objects. This class cannot be inherited. |
X509ChainElementEnumerator |
Supports a simple iteration over an System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElementCollection. This class cannot be inherited. |
X509ChainPolicy |
Represents the chain policy to be applied when building an X509 certificate chain. This class cannot be inherited. |
X509ChainStatus |
Provides a simple structure for storing X509 chain status and error information. |
X509ChainStatusFlags |
Defines the status of an X509 chain. |
X509ContentType |
Specifies the format of an X.509 certificate. |
X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension |
Defines the collection of object identifiers (OIDs) that indicates the applications that use the key. This class cannot be inherited. |
X509Extension |
Represents an X509 extension. |
X509ExtensionCollection |
Represents a collection of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Extension objects. This class cannot be inherited. |
X509ExtensionEnumerator |
Supports a simple iteration over a System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ExtensionCollection. This class cannot be inherited. |
X509FindType |
Specifies the type of value the System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.Find(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType, object, bool) method searches for. |
X509IncludeOption |
Specifies how much of the X.509 certificate chain should be included in the X.509 data. |
X509KeyStorageFlags |
Defines where and how to import the private key of an X.509 certificate. |
X509KeyUsageExtension |
Defines the usage of a key contained within an X.509 certificate. This class cannot be inherited. |
X509KeyUsageFlags |
Defines how the certificate key can be used. If this value is not defined, the key can be used for any purpose. |
X509NameType |
Specifies the type of name the X509 certificate contains. |
X509RevocationFlag |
Specifies which X509 certificates in the chain should be checked for revocation. |
X509RevocationMode |
Specifies the mode used to check for X509 certificate revocation. |
X509SelectionFlag |
Specifies the type of selection requested using the erload:System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2UI.SelectFromCollection method. |
X509Store |
Represents an X.509 store, which is a physical store where certificates are persisted and managed. This class cannot be inherited. |
X509SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension |
Defines a string that identifies a certificate's subject key identifier (SKI). This class cannot be inherited. |
X509SubjectKeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm |
Defines the type of hash algorithm to use with the System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension class. |
X509VerificationFlags |
Specifies conditions under which verification of certificates in the X509 chain should be conducted. |