System.Resources.ResXResourceReader: Method Members

The methods of System.Resources.ResXResourceReader are listed below. For a list of all members, see the ResXResourceReader Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Methods


Releases all resources used by the System.Resources.ResXResourceReader.


This member overrides the object.Finalize method.

FromFileContents(string) : ResXResourceReader

Creates a new System.Resources.ResXResourceReader object and initializes it to read a string whose contents are in the form of an XML resource file.

FromFileContents(string, System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeResolutionService) : ResXResourceReader

Creates a new System.Resources.ResXResourceReader object and initializes it to read a string whose contents are in the form of an XML resource file, and to use an System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeResolutionService object to resolve type names specified in a resource.

FromFileContents(string, System.Reflection.AssemblyName[]) : ResXResourceReader

Creates a new System.Resources.ResXResourceReader object and initializes it to read a string whose contents are in the form of an XML resource file, and to use an array of System.Reflection.AssemblyName objects to resolve type names specified in a resource.

GetEnumerator() : IDictionaryEnumerator

Returns an enumerator for the current System.Resources.ResXResourceReader object.

GetMetadataEnumerator() : IDictionaryEnumerator

Provides a dictionary enumerator that can retrieve the design-time properties from the current XML resource file or stream.

Protected Methods


Releases the unmanaged resources used by the System.Resources.ResXResourceReader and optionally releases the managed resources.