System.Web.UI.Page.StyleSheetTheme Property

Gets or sets the name of the theme that is applied to the page early in the page life cycle.


public virtual string StyleSheetTheme { set; get; }


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This property does not refer directly to a cascading style sheet (CSS). The property contains the name of an ASP.NET theme, which can include CSS files within it.

The Page.StyleSheetTheme property specifies the name of a theme that is applied to a page early in the page life cycle, whereas the Page.Theme property specifies the name of a theme that is applied to a page later in the page life cycle. This means that settings on the page take precedence over settings in the style sheet theme. For more information, see ASP.NET Themes and Skins Overview.

You typically set a value for this property in the page directive or by overriding the property. For information, see the following topics:


Namespace: System.Web.UI
Assembly: System.Web (in System.Web.dll)
Assembly Versions: