Android.App.Usage Namespace

Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


To be added.


ConfigurationStatsRepresents the usage statistics of a device Android.Content.Res.Configuration for a specific time range.
ConfigurationStats+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
UsageEventsA result returned from Android.App.Usage.UsageStatsManager.QueryEvents(long, System.Int64) from which to read NoType:android/app/usage/UsageEvents$Event;Href=../../../../reference/android/app/usage/UsageEvents.Event.html objects.
UsageEvents+EventDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
UsageEvents+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
UsageEventTypeEnumerates values returned by several types.
UsageStatsContains usage statistics for an app package for a specific time range.
UsageStats+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
UsageStatsIntervalEnumerates values returned by several methods of Android.App.Usage.UsageStatsInterval and taken as a parameter of the Android.App.Usage.UsageStatsManager.QueryConfigurations, and Android.App.Usage.UsageStatsManager.QueryUsageStats members.
UsageStatsManagerProvides access to device usage history and statistics.