Android.Content.Res.UiMode Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types.


public enum UiMode


Enumerates value returned by the following: .


Member NameDescription
NightMaskConstant for Configuration.UiMode: bits that encode the night mode.
NightNoConstant for Configuration.UiMode: a Configuration.UiModeNightMask value that corresponds to the notnight resource qualifier.
NightUndefinedConstant for Configuration.UiMode: a Configuration.UiModeNightMask value indicating that no mode type has been set.
NightYesConstant for Configuration.UiMode: a Configuration.UiModeNightMask value that corresponds to the night resource qualifier.
TypeApplianceConstant for Configuration.UiMode: a Configuration.UiModeTypeMask value that corresponds to the appliance resource qualifier.
TypeCarConstant for Configuration.UiMode: a Configuration.UiModeTypeMask value that corresponds to the car resource qualifier.
TypeDeskConstant for Configuration.UiMode: a Configuration.UiModeTypeMask value that corresponds to the desk resource qualifier.
TypeMaskConstant for Configuration.UiMode: bits that encode the mode type.
TypeNormalConstant for Configuration.UiMode: a Configuration.UiModeTypeMask value that corresponds to no UI mode resource qualifier specified.
TypeTelevisionConstant for Configuration.UiMode: a Configuration.UiModeTypeMask value that corresponds to the television resource qualifier.
TypeUndefinedConstant for Configuration.UiMode: a Configuration.UiModeTypeMask value indicating that no mode type has been set.
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Namespace: Android.Content.Res
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: