Android.Widget.TwoLineListItem Class

See Also: TwoLineListItem Members


[Android.Runtime.Register("android/widget/TwoLineListItem", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]
[System.Obsolete("This class is obsoleted in this android platform")]
public class TwoLineListItem : RelativeLayout


A view group with two children, intended for use in ListViews. This item has two Android.Widget.TextView elements (or subclasses) with the ID values NoType:android/R$id;Href=../../../reference/android/ and NoType:android/R$id;Href=../../../reference/android/ There is an optional third View element with the ID NoType:android/R$id;Href=../../../reference/android/, which can be any View subclass (though it is typically a graphic View, such as Android.Widget.ImageView) that can be displayed when a TwoLineListItem has focus. Android supplies a NoType:android/R$layout;Href=../../../reference/android/R.layout.html#two_line_list_item (which does not include a selected item icon), but you can design your own custom XML layout for this object.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Widget
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1Deprecated since API level 17