The System.ComponentModel.Design namespace contains classes that developers can use to build custom design-time behavior for components and user interfaces for configuring components at design time. The design time environment provides systems that enable developers to arrange components and configure their properties. Some components may require specific design-time only behavior to function properly in a design time environment. It may also be valuable to provide custom user interfaces which assist developers in configuring components or the values of complex data types. The classes and interfaces defined within this namespace can be used to build design-time behavior for components, access design-time services, and implement customized design-time configuration interfaces.
The classes in this namespace include:
A basic System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner interface that you can use to customize design-time behavior for specific types of components.
A System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentDesigner class that provides a more sophisticated designer base class which implements the System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner, IDisposable, and System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerFilter interfaces.
Designer interfaces and services that enable a designer to support additional functionality, including:
Classes that can be used to customize design-time license context management and serialization: System.ComponentModel.Design.DesigntimeLicenseContext and System.ComponentModel.Design.DesigntimeLicenseContextSerializer.
Simple collection editors that can be extended: System.ComponentModel.Design.ArrayEditor and System.ComponentModel.Design.CollectionEditor.
Type | Reason |
ActiveDesignerEventArgs |
Provides data for the System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService.ActiveDesigner event. |
ActiveDesignerEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService.ActiveDesignerChanged event. |
ActiveDesignSurfaceChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignSurfaceManager.ActiveDesignSurfaceChanged event. |
ActiveDesignSurfaceChangedEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignSurfaceManager.ActiveDesignSurfaceChanged event of a System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignSurfaceManager. This class cannot be inherited. |
ArrayEditor |
Provides a user interface for editing arrays at design time. |
BinaryEditor |
Provides a user interface for editing binary data. |
ByteViewer |
Displays byte arrays in hexadecimal, ANSI, and Unicode formats. |
CheckoutException |
The exception that is thrown when an attempt to check out a file that is checked into a source code management program is canceled or fails. |
CollectionEditor |
Provides a user interface that can edit most types of collections at design time. |
CommandID |
Represents a unique command identifier that consists of a numeric command ID and a GUID menu group identifier. |
ComponentActionsType |
Specifies the type of object-bound smart tag with respect to how it was associated with the component. |
ComponentChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentChanged event. This class cannot be inherited. |
ComponentChangedEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle a System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentChanged event. |
ComponentChangingEventArgs |
Provides data for the System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentChanging event. This class cannot be inherited. |
ComponentChangingEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle a System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentChanging event. |
ComponentDesigner |
Extends the design mode behavior of a component. |
ComponentEventArgs |
Provides data for the System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentAdded, System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentAdding, System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentRemoved, and System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentRemoving events. |
ComponentEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentAdding, System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentAdded, System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentRemoving, and System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentRemoved events raised for component-level events. |
ComponentRenameEventArgs |
Provides data for the System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentRename event. |
ComponentRenameEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle a System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentRename event. |
DateTimeEditor |
This date time editor is a System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor suitable for visually editing DateTime objects. |
DesignerActionHeaderItem |
Represents a static header item on a smart tag panel. This class cannot be inherited. |
DesignerActionItem |
Provides the base class for types that represent a panel item on a smart tag panel. |
DesignerActionItemCollection |
Represents a collection of System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionItem objects. |
DesignerActionList |
Provides the base class for types that define a list of items used to create a smart tag panel. |
DesignerActionListCollection |
Represents a collection of System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionList objects. |
DesignerActionListsChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionService.DesignerActionListsChanged event. |
DesignerActionListsChangedEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionService.DesignerActionListsChanged event of a System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionService. This class cannot be inherited. |
DesignerActionListsChangedType |
Specifies the type of change occurring in a collection of System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionList objects. |
DesignerActionMethodItem |
Represents a smart tag panel item that is associated with a method in a class derived from System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionList. |
DesignerActionPropertyItem |
Represents a panel item that is associated with a property in a class derived from System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionList. This class cannot be inherited. |
DesignerActionService |
Establishes a design-time service that manages the collection of System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionItem objects for components. |
DesignerActionTextItem |
Represents a static text item on a smart tag panel. |
DesignerActionUIService |
Manages the user interface (UI) for a smart tag panel. This class cannot be inherited. |
DesignerActionUIStateChangeEventArgs |
Provides data for the System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionUIService.DesignerActionUIStateChange event. |
DesignerActionUIStateChangeEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionUIService.DesignerActionUIStateChange event of a System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionUIService. |
DesignerActionUIStateChangeType |
Specifies the display state of a smart tag panel. |
DesignerCollection |
Represents a collection of designers. |
DesignerCommandSet |
Represents a base class for design-time tools, not derived from System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentDesigner, that provide smart tag or designer verb capabilities. |
DesignerEventArgs |
Provides data for the System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService.DesignerCreated and System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService.DesignerDisposed events. |
DesignerEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService.DesignerCreated and System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService.DesignerDisposed events that are raised when a document is created or disposed of. |
DesignerOptionCollection+WrappedPropertyDescriptor | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
DesignerOptionService |
Provides a base class for getting and setting option values for a designer. |
DesignerOptionService+DesignerOptionCollection | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
DesignerOptionService+DesignerOptionCollection+WrappedPropertyDescriptor | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
DesignerTransaction |
Provides a way to group a series of design-time actions to improve performance and enable most types of changes to be undone. |
DesignerTransactionCloseEventArgs |
Provides data for the System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.TransactionClosed and System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.TransactionClosing events. |
DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler |
Represents the method that handles the System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.TransactionClosed and System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.TransactionClosing events of a designer. |
DesignerVerb |
Represents a verb that can be invoked from a designer. |
DesignerVerbCollection |
Represents a collection of System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerb objects. |
DesignSurface |
Presents a user interface for designing components. |
DesignSurfaceCollection |
Contains a collection of design surfaces. This class cannot be inherited. |
DesignSurfaceEventArgs |
Provides data for the System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignSurfaceManager.DesignSurfaceCreated event. |
DesignSurfaceEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignSurfaceManager.DesignSurfaceCreated event of a System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignSurfaceManager class. This class cannot be inherited. |
DesignSurfaceManager |
Manages a collection of System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignSurface objects. |
DesigntimeLicenseContext |
Represents a design-time license context that can support a license provider at design time. |
DesigntimeLicenseContextSerializer |
Provides support for design-time license context serialization. |
DisplayMode |
Defines identifiers that indicate the display modes used by System.ComponentModel.Design.ByteViewer. |
EventBindingService |
A default implementation of the System.ComponentModel.Design.IEventBindingService interface. |
ExceptionCollection |
Represents the collection of exceptions. |
HelpContextType |
Defines identifiers that indicate information about the context in which a request for Help information originated. |
HelpKeywordAttribute |
Specifies the context keyword for a class or member. This class cannot be inherited. |
HelpKeywordType |
Defines identifiers that indicate the type of a Help keyword. |
IComponentChangeService |
Provides an interface to add and remove the event handlers for events that add, change, remove or rename components, and provides methods to raise a System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentChanged or System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentChanging event. |
IComponentDesignerDebugService |
Provides debugging services in a design-time environment. |
IComponentDesignerStateService |
Allows a designer to store and retrieve its state. |
IComponentDiscoveryService |
Enables enumeration of components at design time. |
IComponentInitializer |
Provides a set of recommended default values during component creation. |
IDesigner |
Provides the basic framework for building a custom designer. |
IDesignerEventService |
Provides event notifications when root designers are added and removed, when a selected component changes, and when the current root designer changes. |
IDesignerFilter |
Provides an interface that enables a designer to access and filter the dictionaries of a System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor that stores the property, attribute, and event descriptors that a component designer can expose to the design-time environment. |
IDesignerHost |
Provides an interface for managing designer transactions and components. |
IDesignerHostTransactionState |
Specifies methods for the designer host to report on the state of transactions. |
IDesignerOptionService |
Provides access to the designer options located on the Tools menu under the Options command in the Visual Studio development environment. |
IDictionaryService |
Provides a basic, component site-specific, key-value pair dictionary through a service that a designer can use to store user-defined data. |
IEventBindingService |
Provides a service for registering event handlers for component events. |
IExtenderListService |
Provides an interface that can list extender providers. |
IExtenderProviderService |
Provides an interface for adding and removing extender providers at design time. |
IHelpService |
Provides methods for showing Help topics and adding and removing Help keywords at design time. |
IInheritanceService |
Provides methods for identifying the components of a component. |
IMenuCommandService |
Provides methods to manage the global designer verbs and menu commands available in design mode, and to show some types of shortcut menus. |
InheritanceService |
Provides a set of methods for identifying inherited components. |
IReferenceService |
Provides an interface for obtaining references to objects within a project by name or type, obtaining the name of a specified object, and for locating the parent of a specified object within a designer project. |
IResourceService |
Provides an interface for designers to access resource readers and writers for specific System.Globalization.CultureInfo resource types. |
IRootDesigner |
Provides support for root-level designer view technologies. |
ISelectionService |
Provides an interface for a designer to select components. |
IServiceContainer |
Provides a container for services. |
ITreeDesigner |
Provides support for building a set of related custom designers. |
ITypeDescriptorFilterService |
Provides an interface to modify the set of member descriptors for a component in design mode. |
ITypeDiscoveryService |
Discovers available types at design time. |
ITypeResolutionService |
Provides an interface to retrieve an assembly or type by name. |
LoadedEventArgs |
Provides data for the System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignSurface.Loaded event. This class cannot be inherited. |
LoadedEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignSurface.Loaded event of the System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignSurface class. This class cannot be inherited. |
LocalizationExtenderProvider |
Provides design-time support for localization features to a root designer. |
MenuCommand |
Represents a Windows menu or toolbar command item. |
MenuCommandsChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommandService.MenuCommandsChanged event. |
MenuCommandsChangedEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommandService.MenuCommandsChanged event of a System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommandService. This class cannot be inherited. |
MenuCommandsChangedType |
Specifies the type of action that occurred to the related object's System.Windows.Forms.Design.MenuCommands collection. |
MenuCommandService |
Implements the System.ComponentModel.Design.IMenuCommandService interface. |
MultilineStringEditor |
Displays a dialog for editing multi-line strings in design mode. |
ObjectSelectorEditor |
Implements the basic functionality that can be used to design value editors. These editors can, in turn, provide a user interface for representing and editing the values of objects of the supported data types. |
ObjectSelectorEditor+Selector | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
ObjectSelectorEditor+SelectorNode | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
SelectionTypes |
Defines identifiers that indicate the type of a selection. |
ServiceContainer |
Provides a simple implementation of the System.ComponentModel.Design.IServiceContainer interface. This class cannot be inherited. |
ServiceCreatorCallback |
Provides a callback mechanism that can create an instance of a service on demand. |
StandardCommands |
Defines identifiers for the standard set of commands that are available to most applications. |
StandardToolWindows |
Defines GUID identifiers that correspond to the standard set of tool windows that are available in the design environment. |
TypeDescriptionProviderService |
Provides a type description provider for a specified type. |
UndoEngine |
Specifies generic undo/redo functionality at design time. |
ViewTechnology |
Defines identifiers for a set of technologies that designer hosts support. |