Android.App.MoveTaskFlags Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by the MoveTaskFlags.NoUserAction, and MoveTaskFlags.WithHome members and taken as a parameter of the ActivityManager.MoveTaskToFront, and ActivityManager.MoveTaskToFront members.


public enum MoveTaskFlags


Enumerates values returned by the MoveTaskFlags.NoUserAction, and MoveTaskFlags.WithHome members and taken as a parameter of the ActivityManager.MoveTaskToFront, and ActivityManager.MoveTaskToFront members.


Member NameDescription
NoUserActionFlag for ActivityManager.MoveTaskToFront(int, Android.App.MoveTaskFlags): don't count this as a user-instigated action, so the current activity will not receive a hint that the user is leaving.
WithHomeFlag for ActivityManager.MoveTaskToFront(int, Android.App.MoveTaskFlags): also move the "home" activity along with the task, so it is positioned immediately behind the task.


Namespace: Android.App
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: