Android.Drm.DrmManagerClient: Method Members

The methods of Android.Drm.DrmManagerClient are listed below. For a list of all members, see the DrmManagerClient Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

AcquireDrmInfo(DrmInfoRequest) : DrmInfo
Retrieves information for registering, unregistering, or acquiring rights.
AcquireRights(DrmInfoRequest) : DrmManagerClientErrorCode
Processes a given Android.Drm.DrmInfoRequest and returns the rights information asynchronously.
CanHandle(Android.Net.Uri, string) : bool
Checks whether the given MIME type or URI can be handled.
CanHandle(string, string) : bool
Checks whether the given MIME type or path can be handled.
CheckRightsStatus(Android.Net.Uri) : DrmStoreRightsStatusCode
Check whether the given content has valid rights.
CheckRightsStatus(string) : DrmStoreRightsStatusCode
Checks whether the given content has valid rights.
CheckRightsStatus(Android.Net.Uri, DrmStoreActionCode) : DrmStoreRightsStatusCode
Checks whether the given rights-protected content has valid rights for the specified NoType:android/drm/DrmStore$Action;Href=../../../reference/android/drm/DrmStore.Action.html.
CheckRightsStatus(string, DrmStoreActionCode) : DrmStoreRightsStatusCode
Checks whether the given rights-protected content has valid rights for the specified NoType:android/drm/DrmStore$Action;Href=../../../reference/android/drm/DrmStore.Action.html.
CloseConvertSession(int) : DrmConvertedStatus
Informs the DRM plug-in (agent) that there is no more data to convert or that an error has occurred.
ConvertData(int, byte[]) : DrmConvertedStatus
Converts the input data (content) that is part of a rights-protected file.
GetAvailableDrmEngines() : string[]
Retrieves information about all the DRM plug-ins (agents) that are registered with the DRM framework.
GetConstraints(Android.Net.Uri, DrmStoreActionCode) : Android.Content.ContentValues
Retrieves constraint information for rights-protected content.
GetConstraints(string, DrmStoreActionCode) : Android.Content.ContentValues
Retrieves constraint information for rights-protected content.
GetDrmObjectType(Android.Net.Uri, string) : DrmStoreObjectTypeCode
Retrieves the type of rights-protected object (for example, content object, rights object, and so on) using the specified URI or MIME type.
GetDrmObjectType(string, string) : DrmStoreObjectTypeCode
Retrieves the type of rights-protected object (for example, content object, rights object, and so on) using the specified path or MIME type.
GetMetadata(Android.Net.Uri) : Android.Content.ContentValues
Retrieves metadata information for rights-protected content.
GetMetadata(string) : Android.Content.ContentValues
Retrieves metadata information for rights-protected content.
GetOriginalMimeType(Android.Net.Uri) : string
Retrieves the MIME type embedded in the original content.
GetOriginalMimeType(string) : string
Retrieves the MIME type embedded in the original content.
OpenConvertSession(string) : int
Initiates a new conversion session.
ProcessDrmInfo(DrmInfo) : DrmManagerClientErrorCode
Processes the given DRM information based on the information type.
Releases resources associated with the current session of DrmManagerClient.
RemoveAllRights() : DrmManagerClientErrorCode
Removes all the rights information of every DRM plug-in (agent) associated with the DRM framework.
RemoveRights(Android.Net.Uri) : DrmManagerClientErrorCode
Removes the rights associated with the given rights-protected content.
RemoveRights(string) : DrmManagerClientErrorCode
Removes the rights associated with the given rights-protected content.
SaveRights(DrmRights, string, string) : DrmManagerClientErrorCode
Saves rights to a specified path and associates that path with the content path.
Registers an NoType:android/drm/DrmManagerClient$OnErrorListener;Href=../../../reference/android/drm/DrmManagerClient.OnErrorListener.html callback, which is invoked when the DRM framework sends error information.
Registers an NoType:android/drm/DrmManagerClient$OnEventListener;Href=../../../reference/android/drm/DrmManagerClient.OnEventListener.html callback, which is invoked when the DRM framework sends information about DRM processing.
Registers an NoType:android/drm/DrmManagerClient$OnInfoListener;Href=../../../reference/android/drm/DrmManagerClient.OnInfoListener.html callback, which is invoked when the DRM framework sends status or warning information during registration or rights acquisition.