- surface
- a non-nullAndroid.Views.Surface object reference
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Type Reason Java.Lang.NullPointerException if surface was null
Determine whether or not the surface in its current state is suitable to be included in a Android.Hardware.Camera2.CameraDevice.createCaptureSession(java.util.List<android.view.Surface>, android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback, android.os.Handler) as an output.
Not all surfaces are usable with the Android.Hardware.Camera2.CameraDevice, and not all configurations of that surface are compatible. Some classes that provide the surface are compatible with the Android.Hardware.Camera2.CameraDevice in general (see StreamConfigurationMap.isOutputSupportedFor(java.lang.Class<T>), but it is the caller's responsibility to put the surface into a state that will be compatible with the Android.Hardware.Camera2.CameraDevice.
Reasons for a surface being specifically incompatible might be: