Android.Views.MotionEvent.GetOrientation Method
Returns the orientation of the touch area and tool area in radians clockwise from vertical for the given pointer index (use MotionEvent.GetPointerId(int) to find the pointer identifier for this index).


[Android.Runtime.Register("getOrientation", "(I)F", "")]
public float GetOrientation (int pointerIndex)


Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to MotionEvent.PointerCount-1.


Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Returns the orientation of the touch area and tool area in radians clockwise from vertical for the given pointer index (use MotionEvent.GetPointerId(int) to find the pointer identifier for this index). An angle of 0 radians indicates that the major axis of contact is oriented upwards, is perfectly circular or is of unknown orientation. A positive angle indicates that the major axis of contact is oriented to the right. A negative angle indicates that the major axis of contact is oriented to the left. The full range is from -PI/2 radians (finger pointing fully left) to PI/2 radians (finger pointing fully right).

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Views
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 9