Android.Content.Intent: Method Members

The methods of Android.Content.Intent are listed below. For a list of all members, see the Intent Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

AddCategory(string) : Intent
Add a new category to the intent.
AddFlags(ActivityFlags) : Intent
Add additional flags to the intent (or with existing flags value).
Clone() : Java.Lang.Object
Creates and returns a copy of this Object.
CloneFilter() : Intent
Make a clone of only the parts of the Intent that are relevant for filter matching: the action, data, type, component, and categories.
CreateChooser(Intent, Java.Lang.ICharSequence) : Intent
Convenience function for creating a Intent.ActionChooser Intent.
CreateChooser(Intent, string) : Intent
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DescribeContents() : int
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.
FillIn(Intent, FillInFlags) : FillInFlags
Copy the contents of other in to this object, but only where fields are not defined by this object.
FilterEquals(Intent) : bool
Determine if two intents are the same for the purposes of intent resolution (filtering).
FilterHashCode() : int
Generate hash code that matches semantics of filterEquals().
GetBooleanArrayExtra(string) : bool[]
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetBooleanExtra(string, bool) : bool
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetBundleExtra(string) : Android.OS.Bundle
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetByteArrayExtra(string) : byte[]
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetByteExtra(string, sbyte) : sbyte
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetCharArrayExtra(string) : char[]
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetCharExtra(string, char) : char
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetCharSequenceArrayExtra(string) : string[]
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GetCharSequenceArrayExtraFormatted(string) : Java.Lang.ICharSequence[]
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetCharSequenceArrayListExtra(string) : IList<Java.Lang.ICharSequence>
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetCharSequenceExtra(string) : string
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GetCharSequenceExtraFormatted(string) : Java.Lang.ICharSequence
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetDoubleArrayExtra(string) : double[]
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetDoubleExtra(string, double) : double
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetFloatArrayExtra(string) : float[]
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetFloatExtra(string, float) : float
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetIntArrayExtra(string) : int[]
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetIntegerArrayListExtra(string) : IList<Java.Lang.Integer>
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetIntent(string) : Intent
Call Intent.ParseUri(string, Android.Content.IntentUriType) with 0 flags.
GetIntentOld(string) : Intent
GetIntExtra(string, int) : int
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetLongArrayExtra(string) : long[]
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetLongExtra(string, long) : long
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetParcelableArrayExtra(string) : Android.OS.IParcelable[]
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetParcelableArrayListExtra(string) : IList
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetParcelableExtra(string) : Java.Lang.Object
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetSerializableExtra(string) : Java.IO.ISerializable
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetShortArrayExtra(string) : short[]
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetShortExtra(string, short) : short
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetStringArrayExtra(string) : string[]
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetStringArrayListExtra(string) : IList<string>
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
GetStringExtra(string) : string
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
HasCategory(string) : bool
Check if a category exists in the intent.
HasExtra(string) : bool
Returns true if an extra value is associated with the given name.
MakeMainActivity(ComponentName) : Intent
Create an intent to launch the main (root) activity of a task.
MakeMainSelectorActivity(string, string) : Intent
Make an Intent for the main activity of an application, without specifying a specific activity to run but giving a selector to find the activity.
MakeRestartActivityTask(ComponentName) : Intent
Make an Intent that can be used to re-launch an application's task in its base state.
NormalizeMimeType(string) : string
Normalize a MIME data type.
ParseIntent(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Util.IAttributeSet) : Intent
Parses the "intent" element (and its children) from XML and instantiates an Intent object.
ParseUri(string, IntentUriType) : Intent
Create an intent from a URI.
PutCharSequenceArrayListExtra(string, IList<Java.Lang.ICharSequence>) : Intent
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PutExtra(string, Android.OS.Bundle) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, Android.OS.IParcelable) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, Android.OS.IParcelable[]) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, Java.IO.ISerializable) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, Java.Lang.ICharSequence) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, Java.Lang.ICharSequence[]) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, bool) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, bool[]) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, byte[]) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, char) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, char[]) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, double) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, double[]) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, short) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, short[]) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, int) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, int[]) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, long) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, long[]) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, sbyte) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, float) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, float[]) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, string) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtra(string, string[]) : Intent
Add extended data to the intent.
PutExtras(Intent) : Intent
Copy all extras in 'src' in to this intent.
PutExtras(Android.OS.Bundle) : Intent
Add a set of extended data to the intent.
PutIntegerArrayListExtra(string, IList<Java.Lang.Integer>) : Intent
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PutParcelableArrayListExtra(string, IList<Android.OS.IParcelable>) : Intent
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PutStringArrayListExtra(string, IList<string>) : Intent
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Remove a category from an intent.
Remove extended data from the intent.
ReplaceExtras(Intent) : Intent
Completely replace the extras in the Intent with the extras in the given Intent.
ReplaceExtras(Android.OS.Bundle) : Intent
Completely replace the extras in the Intent with the given Bundle of extras.
ResolveActivity(Android.Content.PM.PackageManager) : ComponentName
Return the Activity component that should be used to handle this intent.
ResolveActivityInfo(Android.Content.PM.PackageManager, Android.Content.PM.PackageInfoFlags) : Android.Content.PM.ActivityInfo
Resolve the Intent into an Android.Content.PM.ActivityInfo describing the activity that should execute the intent.
ResolveType(ContentResolver) : string
Return the MIME data type of this intent.
ResolveType(Context) : string
Return the MIME data type of this intent.
ResolveTypeIfNeeded(ContentResolver) : string
Return the MIME data type of this intent, only if it will be needed for intent resolution.
SetAction(string) : Intent
Set the general action to be performed.
SetClass(Context, Java.Lang.Class) : Intent
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SetClass(Context, Type) : Intent
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SetClassName(Context, string) : Intent
Convenience for calling Intent.SetComponent(ComponentName) with an explicit class name.
SetClassName(string, string) : Intent
Convenience for calling Intent.SetComponent(ComponentName) with an explicit application package name and class name.
SetComponent(ComponentName) : Intent
(Usually optional) Explicitly set the component to handle the intent.
SetData(Android.Net.Uri) : Intent
Set the data this intent is operating on.
SetDataAndNormalize(Android.Net.Uri) : Intent
Normalize and set the data this intent is operating on.
SetDataAndType(Android.Net.Uri, string) : Intent
(Usually optional) Set the data for the intent along with an explicit MIME data type.
SetDataAndTypeAndNormalize(Android.Net.Uri, string) : Intent
(Usually optional) Normalize and set both the data Uri and an explicit MIME data type.
Sets the ClassLoader that will be used when unmarshalling any Parcelable values from the extras of this Intent.
SetFlags(ActivityFlags) : Intent
Set special flags controlling how this intent is handled.
SetPackage(string) : Intent
(Usually optional) Set an explicit application package name that limits the components this Intent will resolve to.
SetType(string) : Intent
Set an explicit MIME data type.
SetTypeAndNormalize(string) : Intent
Normalize and set an explicit MIME data type.
ToURI() : string
Call Intent.ToUri(IntentUriType) with 0 flags.
ToUri(IntentUriType) : string
Convert this Intent into a String holding a URI representation of it.
WriteToParcel(Android.OS.Parcel, Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags)
Flatten this object in to a Parcel.