System.Threading.Thread.ApartmentState Property

Gets or sets the apartment state of this thread.


[System.Obsolete("Deprecated in favor of GetApartmentState, SetApartmentState and TrySetApartmentState.")]
public ApartmentState ApartmentState { get; set; }


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In the .NET Framework versions 1.0 and 1.1, the ApartmentState property marks a thread to indicate that it will execute in a single-threaded or multithreaded apartment. This property can be set when the thread is in the Unstarted or Running thread state; however, it can be set only once for a thread. If the property has not been set, it returns Unknown.


In the .NET Framework version 2.0, new threads are initialized as ApartmentState.MTA if their apartment state has not been set before they are started. The main application thread is initialized to ApartmentState.MTA by default. You can no longer set the main application thread to ApartmentState.STA by setting the System.Threading.ApartmentState property on the first line of code. Use the STAThreadAttribute instead.

In the .NET Framework version 2.0, you can specify the COM threading model for a C++ application using the /CLRTHREADATTRIBUTE (Set CLR Thread Attribute) linker option.


Namespace: System.Threading
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,,