Xamarin.Forms.Page Members

The members of Xamarin.Forms.Page are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement

Public Constructors

Creates a new Xamarin.Forms.Page element with default values.

Public Fields

static readonly
BackgroundImagePropertyBindableProperty. Identifies the Page.BackgroundImage property.
static readonly
IconPropertyBindableProperty. Identifies the Page.Icon property.
static readonly
IsBusyPropertyBindableProperty. Identifies the Page.IsBusy property.
static readonly
PaddingPropertyBindableProperty. Identifies the Page.Padding property.
static readonly
TitlePropertyBindableProperty. Identifies the Page.Title property.

Public Properties

BackgroundImagestring. Identifies the image used as a background for the Xamarin.Forms.Page.
IconFileImageSource. Resource identifier for the Xamarin.Forms.Page's associated icon.
IsBusybool. Marks the Page as busy. This will cause the platform specific global activity indicator to show a busy state.
PaddingThickness. The space between the content of the Xamarin.Forms.Page and it's border.
Titlestring. The Xamarin.Forms.Page's title.
ToolbarItemsIList<ToolbarItem>. A set of Xamarin.Forms.ToolbarItems, implemented in a platform-specific manner.

Public Methods

DisplayActionSheet(string, string, string, params string[]) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<string>
Displays a native platform action sheet, allowing the application user to choose from several buttons.
DisplayAlert(string, string, string) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
Presents an alert dialog to the application user with a single cancel button.
DisplayAlert(string, string, string, string) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<bool>
Presents an alert dialog to the application user with an accept and a cancel button.
Forces the Xamarin.Forms.Page to perform a layout pass.
SendBackButtonPressed() : bool
Calls Page.OnBackButtonPressed.

Protected Methods

LayoutChildren(double, double, double, double)
Lays out children Xamarin.Forms.Elements into the specified area.
When overridden, allows application developers to customize behavior immediately prior to the Xamarin.Forms.Page becoming visible.
OnBackButtonPressed() : bool
Application developers can override this method to provide behavior when the back button is pressed.
Invoked whenever the binding context of the Xamarin.Forms.Page changes. Override this method to add class handling for this event.
OnChildMeasureInvalidated(object, EventArgs)
Indicates that the preferred size of a child Xamarin.Forms.Element has changed.
When overridden, allows the application developer to customize behavior as the Xamarin.Forms.Page disappears.
Called when the Xamarin.Forms.Page's Element.Parent property has changed.
OnSizeAllocated(double, double)
Indicates that the Xamarin.Forms.Page has been assigned a size.
Requests that the children Xamarin.Forms.Elements of the Xamarin.Forms.Page update their layouts.

Public Events

AppearingIndicates that the Xamarin.Forms.Page is about to appear.
DisappearingIndicates that the Xamarin.Forms.Page is about to cease displaying.
LayoutChangedRaised when the layout of the Xamarin.Forms.Page has changed.