Android.Preferences.PreferenceActivity: Method Members

The methods of Android.Preferences.PreferenceActivity are listed below. For a list of all members, see the PreferenceActivity Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Android.App.ListActivity

Public Methods

Adds preferences from activities that match the given Android.Content.Intent.
Inflates the given XML resource and adds the preference hierarchy to the current preference hierarchy.
FindPreference(Java.Lang.ICharSequence) : Preference
Finds a Android.Preferences.Preference based on its key.
FindPreference(string) : Preference
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FinishPreferencePanel(Android.App.Fragment, Android.App.Result, Android.Content.Intent)
Called by a preference panel fragment to finish itself.
Call when you need to change the headers being displayed.
LoadHeadersFromResource(int, IList<PreferenceActivity.Header>)
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OnBuildStartFragmentIntent(string, Android.OS.Bundle, int, int) : Android.Content.Intent
Called by PreferenceActivity.StartWithFragment(string, Android.OS.Bundle, Android.OS.Bundle, Android.OS.Bundle, Android.OS.Bundle, Android.OS.Bundle) when in single-pane mode, to build an Intent to launch a new activity showing the selected fragment.
OnGetInitialHeader() : PreferenceActivity.Header
Called to determine the initial header to be shown.
OnGetNewHeader() : PreferenceActivity.Header
Called after the header list has been updated (PreferenceActivity.onBuildHeaders(java.util.List<android.preference.PreferenceActivity.Header>) has been called and returned due to PreferenceActivity.InvalidateHeaders) to specify the header that should now be selected.
OnHeaderClick(PreferenceActivity.Header, int)
Called when the user selects an item in the header list.
OnIsHidingHeaders() : bool
Called to determine whether the header list should be hidden.
OnIsMultiPane() : bool
Called to determine if the activity should run in multi-pane mode.
OnPreferenceStartFragment(PreferenceFragment, Preference) : bool
Called when the user has clicked on a Preference that has a fragment class name associated with it.
OnPreferenceTreeClick(PreferenceScreen, Preference) : bool
Set a footer that should be shown at the bottom of the header list.
SetParentTitle(Java.Lang.ICharSequence, Java.Lang.ICharSequence, Android.Views.View.IOnClickListener)
Should be called after onCreate to ensure that the breadcrumbs, if any, were created.
SetParentTitle(string, string, Android.Views.View.IOnClickListener)
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ShowBreadCrumbs(Java.Lang.ICharSequence, Java.Lang.ICharSequence)
Change the base title of the bread crumbs for the current preferences.
ShowBreadCrumbs(string, string)
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StartPreferenceFragment(Android.App.Fragment, bool)
Start a new fragment.
StartPreferencePanel(string, Android.OS.Bundle, int, Java.Lang.ICharSequence, Android.App.Fragment, int)
Start a new fragment containing a preference panel.
StartPreferencePanel(string, Android.OS.Bundle, int, string, Android.App.Fragment, int)
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StartWithFragment(string, Android.OS.Bundle, Android.App.Fragment, int)
Like PreferenceActivity.StartWithFragment(string, Android.OS.Bundle, Android.OS.Bundle, Android.OS.Bundle, Android.OS.Bundle, Android.OS.Bundle) but uses a 0 titleRes.
StartWithFragment(string, Android.OS.Bundle, Android.App.Fragment, int, int, int)
Start a new instance of this activity, showing only the given preference fragment.
When in two-pane mode, switch to the fragment pane to show the given preference fragment.
SwitchToHeader(string, Android.OS.Bundle)
When in two-pane mode, switch the fragment pane to show the given preference fragment.

Protected Methods

IsValidFragment(string) : bool
Subclasses should override this method and verify that the given fragment is a valid type to be attached to this activity.