The members of Android.Views.InputMethods.EditorInfo are listed below.
See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object
A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime. |
ActionId | int. If EditorInfo.ActionLabel has been given, this is the id for that command when the user presses its button that is delivered back with InputConnection.performEditorAction(int). | |
ActionLabel | Java.Lang.ICharSequence. In some cases an IME may be able to display an arbitrary label for a command the user can perform, which you can specify here. | |
[read-only] static | Creator | Android.OS.IParcelableCreator. Used to make this class parcelable. |
Extras | Android.OS.Bundle. Any extra data to supply to the input method. | |
FieldId | int. Identifier for the editor's field. | |
FieldName | string. Additional name for the editor's field. | |
HintText | Java.Lang.ICharSequence. The "hint" text of the text view, typically shown in-line when the text is empty to tell the user what to enter. | |
ImeOptions | ImeFlags. Extended type information for the editor, to help the IME better integrate with it. | |
InitialCapsMode | Android.Text.CapitalizationMode. The capitalization mode of the first character being edited in the text. | |
InitialSelEnd | int. | |
InitialSelStart | int. The text offset of the start of the selection at the time editing begins; -1 if not known. | |
InputType | Android.Text.InputTypes. The content type of the text box, whose bits are defined by Android.Text.IInputType. | |
Label | Java.Lang.ICharSequence. A label to show to the user describing the text they are writing. | |
PackageName | string. Name of the package that owns this editor. | |
PrivateImeOptions | string. A string supplying additional information options that are private to a particular IME implementation. |
[read-only] override | ThresholdClass | IntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
[read-only] override | ThresholdType | Type. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
DescribeContents()Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation. | ||
Dump(Android.Util.IPrinter, string)Write debug output of this object. | ||
MakeCompatible(Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes)Ensure that the data in this EditorInfo is compatible with an application that was developed against the given target API version. | ||
WriteToParcel(Android.OS.Parcel, Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags)Used to package this object into a Android.OS.Parcel. |