System.Web.UI.Design.TemplateEditingService Members

The members of System.Web.UI.Design.TemplateEditingService are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Constructors

Initializes a new instance of the System.Web.UI.Design.TemplateEditingService class with the specified designer host.

Public Properties


Gets a value that indicates whether the service supports nested template editing.

Public Methods

CreateFrame(TemplatedControlDesigner, string, string[]) : ITemplateEditingFrame

Creates a new template editing frame for the specified templated control designer, using the specified name and templates.

CreateFrame(TemplatedControlDesigner, string, string[], System.Web.UI.WebControls.Style, System.Web.UI.WebControls.Style[]) : ITemplateEditingFrame

Creates a new template editing frame for the specified System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedControlDesigner object, using the specified name, template names, control style, and template styles.


Releases all resources that are used by the System.Web.UI.Design.TemplateEditingService object.

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GetContainingTemplateName(System.Web.UI.Control) : string

Gets the name of the parent template.