A Comparator is used to compare two objects to determine their ordering with respect to each other.

See Also: IComparator Members


[Android.Runtime.Register("java/util/Comparator", "", "Java.Util.IComparatorInvoker")]
public interface IComparator : Android.Runtime.IJavaObject, IDisposable


A Comparator is used to compare two objects to determine their ordering with respect to each other. On a given Collection, a Comparator can be used to obtain a sorted Collection which is totally ordered. For a Comparator to be consistent with equals, its {code #compare(Object, Object)} method has to return zero for each pair of elements (a,b) where a.equals(b) holds true. It is recommended that a Comparator implements Java.IO.ISerializable.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Java.Util
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1