Java.Math.BigDecimal: Method Members

The methods of Java.Math.BigDecimal are listed below. For a list of all members, see the BigDecimal Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Number

Public Methods

Abs() : BigDecimal
Returns a BigDecimal whose value is the absolute value of this.
Abs(MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a BigDecimal whose value is the absolute value of this.
Add(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this + augend.
Add(BigDecimal, MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this + augend.
ByteValueExact() : sbyte
Returns this BigDecimal as a byte value if it has no fractional part and if its value fits to the byte range ([-128.
CompareTo(BigDecimal) : int
Compares this BigDecimal with val.
Divide(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this / divisor.
Divide(BigDecimal, MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this / divisor.
Divide(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this / divisor.
Divide(BigDecimal, RoundOptions) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this / divisor.
Divide(BigDecimal, int, RoundingMode) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this / divisor.
Divide(BigDecimal, int, RoundOptions) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this / divisor.
DivideAndRemainder(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal[]
Returns a BigDecimal array which contains the integral part of this / divisor at index 0 and the remainder this % divisor at index 1.
DivideAndRemainder(BigDecimal, MathContext) : BigDecimal[]
Returns a BigDecimal array which contains the integral part of this / divisor at index 0 and the remainder this % divisor at index 1.
DivideToIntegralValue(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is the integral part of this / divisor.
DivideToIntegralValue(BigDecimal, MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is the integral part of this / divisor.
DoubleValue() : double
Returns this BigDecimal as a double value.
FloatValue() : float
Returns this BigDecimal as a float value.
IntValue() : int
Returns this BigDecimal as an int value.
IntValueExact() : int
Returns this BigDecimal as a int value if it has no fractional part and if its value fits to the int range ([-231.
LongValue() : long
Returns this BigDecimal as an long value.
LongValueExact() : long
Returns this BigDecimal as a long value if it has no fractional part and if its value fits to the int range ([-263.
Max(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns the maximum of this BigDecimal and val.
Min(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns the minimum of this BigDecimal and val.
MovePointLeft(int) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance where the decimal point has been moved n places to the left.
MovePointRight(int) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance where the decimal point has been moved n places to the right.
Multiply(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this * multiplicand.
Multiply(BigDecimal, MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this * multiplicand.
Negate() : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is the -this.
Negate(MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is the -this.
Plus() : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is +this.
Plus(MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is +this.
Pow(int) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is thisn.
Pow(int, MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is thisn.
Precision() : int
Returns the precision of this BigDecimal.
Remainder(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this % divisor.
Remainder(BigDecimal, MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this % divisor.
Round(MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this, rounded according to the passed context mc.
Scale() : int
Returns the scale of this BigDecimal.
ScaleByPowerOfTen(int) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this * 10n.
SetScale(int) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance with the specified scale.
SetScale(int, RoundingMode) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance with the specified scale.
SetScale(int, RoundOptions) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance with the specified scale.
ShortValueExact() : short
Returns this BigDecimal as a short value if it has no fractional part and if its value fits to the short range ([-215.
Signum() : int
Returns the sign of this BigDecimal.
StripTrailingZeros() : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance with the same value as this but with a unscaled value where the trailing zeros have been removed.
Subtract(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this - subtrahend.
Subtract(BigDecimal, MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this - subtrahend.
ToBigInteger() : BigInteger
Returns this BigDecimal as a big integer instance.
ToBigIntegerExact() : BigInteger
Returns this BigDecimal as a big integer instance if it has no fractional part.
ToEngineeringString() : string
Returns a string representation of this BigDecimal.
ToPlainString() : string
Returns a string representation of this BigDecimal.
Ulp() : BigDecimal
Returns the unit in the last place (ULP) of this BigDecimal instance.
UnscaledValue() : BigInteger
Returns the unscaled value (mantissa) of this BigDecimal instance as a BigInteger.
ValueOf(double) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance whose value is equal to val.
ValueOf(long) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance whose value is equal to unscaledVal.
ValueOf(long, int) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance whose value is equal to unscaledVal * 10-scale).