Android.Views.ViewGroup.RemoveAllViewsInLayout Method
Called by a ViewGroup subclass to remove child views from itself, when it must first know its size on screen before it can calculate how many child views it will render.


[Android.Runtime.Register("removeAllViewsInLayout", "()V", "GetRemoveAllViewsInLayoutHandler")]
public virtual void RemoveAllViewsInLayout ()


Called by a ViewGroup subclass to remove child views from itself, when it must first know its size on screen before it can calculate how many child views it will render. An example is a Gallery or a ListView, which may "have" 50 children, but actually only render the number of children that can currently fit inside the object on screen. Do not call this method unless you are extending ViewGroup and understand the view measuring and layout pipeline.

Note: do not invoke this method from View.Draw(Android.Graphics.Canvas), View.OnDraw(Android.Graphics.Canvas), ViewGroup.dispatchDraw( or any related method.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Views
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1