Foundation.NSIndexPath Members

The members of Foundation.NSIndexPath are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Foundation.NSObject

Public Constructors

Default constructor that initializes a new instance of this class with no parameters.
A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.

Protected Constructors

Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

Public Properties

ClassHandleIntPtr. The handle for this class.
Itemnint. The item component of this NSIndexPath.
Lengthnint. The number of indexes in the index-path (not required for use with iOS UIKit.UITableView).
LongRownint. The index of a row within a NSIndexPath.Section of a UIKit.UITableView (read-only).
LongSectionnint. The index of a section within a UIKit.UITableView (read-only).
Rowint. The index of a row within a NSIndexPath.Section of a UIKit.UITableView (read-only).
Sectionint. The index of a section within a UIKit.UITableView (read-only).

Public Methods

Compare(NSIndexPath) : nint
Indicates the depth-first traversal order of this object compared to other (not required for use with iOS UIKit.UITableView).
Copy(NSZone) : NSObject
Performs a copy of the underlying Objective-C object.
Create(params int[]) : NSIndexPath
Creates an Foundation.NSIndexPath with the indexes specified in the provided array of integers.
Create(params nint[]) : NSIndexPath
Creates an Foundation.NSIndexPath with the indexes specified in the provided array of native integers.
Create(params nuint[]) : NSIndexPath
Creates an Foundation.NSIndexPath with the indexes specified in the provided array of native unsigned integers.
Create(params uint[]) : NSIndexPath
Creates an Foundation.NSIndexPath with the indexes specified in the provided array of unsigned integers.
Encodes the state of the object on the provided encoder
FromIndex(nuint) : NSIndexPath
Create a new index-path object with the specified object (not required for use with iOS UIKit.UITableView).
FromItemSection(nint, nint) : NSIndexPath
Creates an NSIndexPath from the given item and section values.
FromRowSection(nint, nint) : NSIndexPath
Returns an index-path object initialized with the given row and section details.
GetIndexes() : nuint[]
Copies the objects contained in the index-path to an array (not required for use with iOS UIKit.UITableView).
IndexAtPosition(nint) : nuint
Return the index at the given position in the index-path (not required for use with iOS UIKit.UITableView).
IndexPathByAddingIndex(nuint) : NSIndexPath
Returns a new index-path containing those in this object plus the new index (not required for use with iOS UIKit.UITableView).
IndexPathByRemovingLastIndex() : NSIndexPath
Returns a new index-path with the last one removed (not required for use with iOS UIKit.UITableView).