Android.Media.Audiofx.Visualizer.MeasurementModePeakRms Field
Defines a measurement mode which computes the peak and RMS value in mB, where 0mB is the maximum sample value, and -9600mB is the minimum value.

Value: 1


[System.Obsolete("This constant will be removed in the future version. Use Android.Media.Audiofx.VisualizerMeasurementMode enum directly instead of this field.")]
public const VisualizerMeasurementMode MeasurementModePeakRms


Defines a measurement mode which computes the peak and RMS value in mB, where 0mB is the maximum sample value, and -9600mB is the minimum value. Values for peak and RMS can be retrieved with Visualizer.GetMeasurementPeakRms(.MeasurementPeakRms).

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Media.Audiofx
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 9