System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.LinkColor Property

Gets or sets the color used when displaying a normal link.


public System.Drawing.Color LinkColor { set; get; }


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This property enables you to specify the color that is initially displayed for all links in the System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.

There are a number of colors associated with a link. The LinkLabel.ActiveLinkColor property enables you to specify the color of the link when it is in the process of being clicked. The LinkLabel.VisitedLinkColor property enables you to specify the color of a link after it has been visited by the user. When a link is disabled, the LinkLabel.DisabledLinkColor is used to display the link in a disabled state.


When setting this property, ensure that the color you are setting the property to does not conflict with the color of the control's background or the text does not display properly. For example, if the background color of the control is Color.Red and this property is set to Color.Red, the text of the link is not shown properly.


Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in System.Windows.Forms.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,