Android.Views.IViewParent.OnNestedPreFling Method
React to a nested fling before the target view consumes it.


[Android.Runtime.Register("onNestedPreFling", "(Landroid/view/View;FF)Z", "GetOnNestedPreFling_Landroid_view_View_FFHandler:Android.Views.IViewParentInvoker, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")]
public bool OnNestedPreFling (View target, float velocityX, float velocityY)


View that initiated the nested scroll
Horizontal velocity in pixels per second
Vertical velocity in pixels per second


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React to a nested fling before the target view consumes it.

This method siginfies that a nested scrolling child has detected a fling with the given velocity along each axis. Generally this means that a touch scroll has ended with a Android.Views.VelocityTracker in the direction of scrolling that meets or exceeds the ViewConfiguration.ScaledMinimumFlingVelocity along a scrollable axis.

If a nested scrolling parent is consuming motion as part of a IViewParent.OnNestedPreScroll(View, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32), it may be appropriate for it to also consume the pre-fling to complete that same motion. By returning true from this method, the parent indicates that the child should not fling its own internal content as well.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Views
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1