Gets or sets a value indicating whether the BindingSource.AddNew method can be used to add items to the list.
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The default value for the BindingSource.AllowNew property depends on the underlying data source type. If the underlying list implements the System.ComponentModel.IBindingList interface, this property will delegate to the underlying list. Otherwise, this property will return false if the underlying list has any of the following characteristics:
It has a fixed size, as determined by the IList.IsFixedSize property.
It is read-only, as determined by the IList.IsReadOnly property.
The item's type does not have a default constructor.
Once the value of this property is set, the getter no longer refers the call to the underlying list. Instead, it simply returns the value that was previously set until the BindingSource.ResetAllowNew method is called.
Setting this property raises the BindingSource.ListChanged event with System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs.ListChangedType set to System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType.Reset.
If you set the BindingSource.AllowNew property to true and the underlying list type does not have a default constructor, you must handle the BindingSource.AddingNew event and create the appropriate type.