Android.Util.DataType Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the TypedValue.CoerceToString member.


public enum DataType


Enumerates values returned by the following: and taken as a parameter of the TypedValue.CoerceToString member.


Member NameDescription
AttributeThe data field holds an attribute resource identifier (referencing an attribute in the current theme style, not a resource entry).
DimensionThe data field holds a complex number encoding a dimension value.
FirstColorIntIdentifies the start of integer values that were specified as color constants (starting with '#').
FirstIntIdentifies the start of plain integer values. Any type value from this to DataType.LastInt means the data field holds a generic integer value.
FloatThe data field holds an IEEE 754 floating point number.
FractionThe data field holds a complex number encoding a fraction of a container.
IntBooleanThe data field holds 0 or 1 that was originally specified as "false" or "true".
IntColorArgb4The data field holds a color that was originally specified as #argb.
IntColorArgb8The data field holds a color that was originally specified as #aarrggbb.
IntColorRgb4The data field holds a color that was originally specified as #rgb.
IntColorRgb8The data field holds a color that was originally specified as #rrggbb.
IntDecThe data field holds a number that was originally specified in decimal.
IntHexThe data field holds a number that was originally specified in hexadecimal (0xn).
LastColorIntIdentifies the end of integer values that were specified as color constants.
LastIntIdentifies the end of plain integer values.
NullThe value contains no data.
ReferenceThe data field holds a resource identifier.
StringThe string field holds string data. In addition, if data is non-zero then it is the string block index of the string and assetCookie is the set of assets the string came from.


Namespace: Android.Util
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: