Android.OS.IBinder: Method Members

The methods of Android.OS.IBinder are listed below. For a list of all members, see the IBinder Members list.

Public Methods

Dump(Java.IO.FileDescriptor, string[])
Print the object's state into the given stream.
DumpAsync(Java.IO.FileDescriptor, string[])
Like BinderConsts.dump(, java.lang.String[]) but always executes asynchronously.
LinkToDeath(IBinderDeathRecipient, int)
Register the recipient for a notification if this binder goes away.
PingBinder() : bool
Check to see if the object still exists.
QueryLocalInterface(string) : IInterface
Attempt to retrieve a local implementation of an interface for this Binder object.
Transact(int, Parcel, Parcel, TransactionFlags) : bool
Perform a generic operation with the object.
UnlinkToDeath(IBinderDeathRecipient, int) : bool
Remove a previously registered death notification.