Android.Content.ContentResolver.MasterSyncAutomatically Property
Gets the master auto-sync setting that applies to all the providers and accounts.


[get: Android.Runtime.Register("getMasterSyncAutomatically", "()Z", "GetGetMasterSyncAutomaticallyHandler")]
[set: Android.Runtime.Register("setMasterSyncAutomatically", "(Z)V", "GetSetMasterSyncAutomatically_ZHandler")]
public static bool MasterSyncAutomatically { get; set; }


Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Get method documentation [Android Documentation]

Gets the master auto-sync setting that applies to all the providers and accounts. If this is false then the per-provider auto-sync setting is ignored. This method requires the caller to hold the permission NoType:android/Manifest$permission;Href=../../../reference/android/Manifest.permission.html#READ_SYNC_SETTINGS.

Set method documentation [Android Documentation]

Sets the master auto-sync setting that applies to all the providers and accounts. If this is false then the per-provider auto-sync setting is ignored. This method requires the caller to hold the permission NoType:android/Manifest$permission;Href=../../../reference/android/Manifest.permission.html#WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS.


Namespace: Android.Content
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 5