Android.Database.Sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder Members

The members of Android.Database.Sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Constructors

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Properties

Tablesstring. Returns the list of tables being queried

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

AppendColumns(Java.Lang.StringBuilder, string[])
Add the names that are non-null in columns to s, separating them with commas.
Append a chunk to the WHERE clause of the query.
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Append a chunk to the WHERE clause of the query.
BuildQuery(string[], string, string, string, string, string) : string
Construct a SELECT statement suitable for use in a group of SELECT statements that will be joined through UNION operators in buildUnionQuery.
BuildQuery(string[], string, string[], string, string, string, string) : string
BuildQueryString(bool, string, string[], string, string, string, string, string) : string
Build an SQL query string from the given clauses.
BuildUnionQuery(string[], string, string) : string
Given a set of subqueries, all of which are SELECT statements, construct a query that returns the union of what those subqueries return.
BuildUnionSubQuery(string, string[], ICollection<string>, int, string, string, string, string) : string
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BuildUnionSubQuery(string, string[], ICollection<string>, int, string, string, string[], string, string) : string
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Query(SQLiteDatabase, string[], string, string[], string, string, string) : Android.Database.ICursor
Perform a query by combining all current settings and the information passed into this method.
Query(SQLiteDatabase, string[], string, string[], string, string, string, string) : Android.Database.ICursor
Perform a query by combining all current settings and the information passed into this method.
Query(SQLiteDatabase, string[], string, string[], string, string, string, string, Android.OS.CancellationSignal) : Android.Database.ICursor
Perform a query by combining all current settings and the information passed into this method.
Sets the cursor factory to be used for the query.
Mark the query as DISTINCT.
SetProjectionMap(IDictionary<string, string>)
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When set, the selection is verified against malicious arguments.