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When this property is set to true, the control automatically resizes to ensure that an item is not partially displayed. If you want to maintain the original size of the System.Windows.Forms.ListBox based on the space requirements of your form, set this property to false.
By default, the System.Windows.Forms.ListBox and the System.Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox sizes are such that they show only whole items. If you want the System.Windows.Forms.ListBox or System.Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox to completely fill a docked area, set ListBox.IntegralHeight to false. This causes the control to completely fill the area, but the last item is not fully displayed.
If the System.Windows.Forms.ListBox does not contain any items, this property has no effect.
The integral height is based on the height of the System.Windows.Forms.ListBox, rather than the client area height. As a result, when the ListBox.IntegralHeight property is set true, items can still be partially shown if scroll bars are displayed.
If the ListBox.DrawMode property is set to DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable, this property has no effect.