Java.Lang.String: Constructor Members

The constructors of Java.Lang.String are listed below. For a list of all members, see the String Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Constructors

Creates an empty string.
Creates a String from the contents of the specified StringBuffer.
Creates a String from the contents of the specified StringBuilder.
Converts the byte array to a string using the system's Java.Nio.Charset.Charset.DefaultCharset.
Initializes this string to contain the given chars.
Constructs a copy of the given string.
Converts the byte array to a String using the given charset.
Converts the byte array to a string, setting the high byte of every char to the specified value.
Converts the byte array to a string using the named charset.
Converts a subsequence of the byte array to a string using the system's Java.Nio.Charset.Charset.DefaultCharset.
Initializes this string to contain the given chars.
Creates a String from the sub-array of Unicode code points.
Converts the byte array to a string using the given charset.
Converts the byte array to a string, setting the high byte of every char to high.
Converts the byte array to a string using the named charset.