System.Configuration.Install.Installer.Installers Property

Gets the collection of installers that this installer contains.


public InstallerCollection Installers { get; }


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The Installer.Installers property contains a collection of installers that install objects needed by this System.Configuration.Install.Installer instance to correctly install the component. The Installer.Install(IDictionary), Installer.Commit(IDictionary), Installer.Rollback(IDictionary), and Installer.Uninstall(IDictionary) methods of the System.Configuration.Install.Installer class go through the collection of installers and invokes the corresponding method of each installer.

If this instance of System.Configuration.Install.Installer is contained in an installer collection, the Installer.Parent property is the System.Configuration.Install.Installer instance that contains the collection. For an example of the use of the Installer.Installers collection, see the System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller class.


Namespace: System.Configuration.Install
Assembly: System.Configuration.Install (in System.Configuration.Install.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,