Java.Math.BigDecimal Members

The members of Java.Math.BigDecimal are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Number

Public Constructors

Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from the given big integer val.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from a string representation given as a character array.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from the 64bit double val.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from the given int val.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from the given long val.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from a string representation.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from the given big integer val.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from a given unscaled value unscaledVal and a given scale.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from a string representation given as a character array.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from the 64bit double val.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from the given int val.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from the given long val.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from a string representation.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from a given unscaled value unscaledVal and a given scale.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from a string representation given as a character array.
Constructs a new BigDecimal instance from a string representation given as a character array.

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Fields

RoundCeilingRoundOptions (2). Rounding mode to round towards positive infinity.
RoundDownRoundOptions (1). Rounding mode where the values are rounded towards zero.
RoundFloorRoundOptions (3). Rounding mode to round towards negative infinity.
RoundHalfDownRoundOptions (5). Rounding mode where values are rounded towards the nearest neighbor.
RoundHalfEvenRoundOptions (6). Rounding mode where values are rounded towards the nearest neighbor.
RoundHalfUpRoundOptions (4). Rounding mode where values are rounded towards the nearest neighbor.
RoundUnnecessaryRoundOptions (7). Rounding mode where the rounding operations throws an ArithmeticException for the case that rounding is necessary, i.e. for the case that the value cannot be represented exactly.
RoundUpRoundOptions (0). Rounding mode where positive values are rounded towards positive infinity and negative values towards negative infinity.

Public Properties

OneBigDecimal. The constant one as a BigDecimal.
TenBigDecimal. The constant ten as a BigDecimal.
ZeroBigDecimal. The constant zero as a BigDecimal.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

Abs() : BigDecimal
Returns a BigDecimal whose value is the absolute value of this.
Abs(MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a BigDecimal whose value is the absolute value of this.
Add(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this + augend.
Add(BigDecimal, MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this + augend.
ByteValueExact() : sbyte
Returns this BigDecimal as a byte value if it has no fractional part and if its value fits to the byte range ([-128.
CompareTo(BigDecimal) : int
Compares this BigDecimal with val.
Divide(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this / divisor.
Divide(BigDecimal, MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this / divisor.
Divide(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this / divisor.
Divide(BigDecimal, RoundOptions) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this / divisor.
Divide(BigDecimal, int, RoundingMode) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this / divisor.
Divide(BigDecimal, int, RoundOptions) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this / divisor.
DivideAndRemainder(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal[]
Returns a BigDecimal array which contains the integral part of this / divisor at index 0 and the remainder this % divisor at index 1.
DivideAndRemainder(BigDecimal, MathContext) : BigDecimal[]
Returns a BigDecimal array which contains the integral part of this / divisor at index 0 and the remainder this % divisor at index 1.
DivideToIntegralValue(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is the integral part of this / divisor.
DivideToIntegralValue(BigDecimal, MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is the integral part of this / divisor.
DoubleValue() : double
Returns this BigDecimal as a double value.
FloatValue() : float
Returns this BigDecimal as a float value.
IntValue() : int
Returns this BigDecimal as an int value.
IntValueExact() : int
Returns this BigDecimal as a int value if it has no fractional part and if its value fits to the int range ([-231.
LongValue() : long
Returns this BigDecimal as an long value.
LongValueExact() : long
Returns this BigDecimal as a long value if it has no fractional part and if its value fits to the int range ([-263.
Max(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns the maximum of this BigDecimal and val.
Min(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns the minimum of this BigDecimal and val.
MovePointLeft(int) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance where the decimal point has been moved n places to the left.
MovePointRight(int) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance where the decimal point has been moved n places to the right.
Multiply(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this * multiplicand.
Multiply(BigDecimal, MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this * multiplicand.
Negate() : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is the -this.
Negate(MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is the -this.
Plus() : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is +this.
Plus(MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is +this.
Pow(int) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is thisn.
Pow(int, MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is thisn.
Precision() : int
Returns the precision of this BigDecimal.
Remainder(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this % divisor.
Remainder(BigDecimal, MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this % divisor.
Round(MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this, rounded according to the passed context mc.
Scale() : int
Returns the scale of this BigDecimal.
ScaleByPowerOfTen(int) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this * 10n.
SetScale(int) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance with the specified scale.
SetScale(int, RoundingMode) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance with the specified scale.
SetScale(int, RoundOptions) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance with the specified scale.
ShortValueExact() : short
Returns this BigDecimal as a short value if it has no fractional part and if its value fits to the short range ([-215.
Signum() : int
Returns the sign of this BigDecimal.
StripTrailingZeros() : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance with the same value as this but with a unscaled value where the trailing zeros have been removed.
Subtract(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this - subtrahend.
Subtract(BigDecimal, MathContext) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal whose value is this - subtrahend.
ToBigInteger() : BigInteger
Returns this BigDecimal as a big integer instance.
ToBigIntegerExact() : BigInteger
Returns this BigDecimal as a big integer instance if it has no fractional part.
ToEngineeringString() : string
Returns a string representation of this BigDecimal.
ToPlainString() : string
Returns a string representation of this BigDecimal.
Ulp() : BigDecimal
Returns the unit in the last place (ULP) of this BigDecimal instance.
UnscaledValue() : BigInteger
Returns the unscaled value (mantissa) of this BigDecimal instance as a BigInteger.
ValueOf(double) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance whose value is equal to val.
ValueOf(long) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance whose value is equal to unscaledVal.
ValueOf(long, int) : BigDecimal
Returns a new BigDecimal instance whose value is equal to unscaledVal * 10-scale).

Explicitly Implemented Interface Members

Java.Lang.IComparable.CompareToDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.