System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes.Conv_U2 Field

Converts the value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned int16, and extends it to int32.


public static readonly OpCode Conv_U2


The following table lists the instruction's hexadecimal and Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) assembly format, along with a brief reference summary:



Convert to int16, pushing int32 on stack.

The stack transitional behavior, in sequential order, is:

[The 'ordered' type of list has not been implemented in the ECMA stylesheet.]

The conv.u2 opcode converts the value on top of the stack to the type specified in the opcode, and leave that converted value on the top of the stack. Integer values of less than 4 bytes are extended to int32 when they are loaded onto the evaluation stack (unless conv.i or conv.u is used, in which case the result is also native int). Floating-point values are converted to the F type.

Conversion from floating-point numbers to integer values truncates the number toward zero. When converting from an float64 to an float32, precision can be lost. If value is too large to fit in a float32 (F), positive infinity (if value is positive) or negative infinity (if value is negative) is returned. If overflow occurs converting one integer type to another, the high order bits are truncated. If the result is smaller than an int32, the value is sign-extended to fill the slot.

If overflow occurs converting a floating-point type to an integer the value returned is unspecified.

No exceptions are ever thrown when using this field. See OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I2 and OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I2_Un for equivalent instructions that will throw an exception when the result type can not properly represent the result value.

The following ILGenerator.Emit(OpCode) method overload can use the conv.u2 opcode:

  • ILGenerator.Emit(OpCode)


Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,,