System.Web.Services.Description.SoapHeaderBinding Members

The members of System.Web.Services.Description.SoapHeaderBinding are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension

Public Constructors

Initializes a new instance of the System.Web.Services.Description.SoapHeaderBinding class.

Public Properties


Gets or sets a URI representing the encoding style used to encode the SOAP header.


Gets or sets the extension type controlling the output in a WSDL document for the headerfault XML element of a SOAP header.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the System.Web.Services.Description.SoapHeaderBinding instance is mapped to a specific property in generated proxy classes.


Gets or sets a value specifying the name of the System.Web.Services.Description.Message within the XML Web service to which the System.Web.Services.Description.SoapHeaderBinding applies.


Get or sets the URI representing the location of the specification for encoding of content not specifically defined by the SoapHeaderBinding.Encoding property.


Gets or sets a value indicating to which System.Web.Services.Description.MessagePart within the XML Web service the System.Web.Services.Description.SoapHeaderBinding applies.


Specifies whether the header is encoded using rules specified by the SoapHeaderBinding.Encoding property, or is encapsulated within a concrete XML schema.